alvissqn / NordVPNdotnet

Nord Vpn Library for .NET , using for automation softwares

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Nord Vpn Library for .NET , using for automation softwares


Json library , using for api


❗All api using in this project, i get it from

if you need update more feature, you can visit that page, and check that document !

  • ✅ Create new Nordserver
RemoteNordServer nordServer = new RemoteNordServer();
  • ⬇️ Get available countries
List<NordModel.CountrieModel> countries = nordServer.GetCountries();
  • ⬇️ Get available techonologies
List<NordModel.CountrieModel> countries = nordServer.GetTechnologies();

⚠️ Get available servers

Parameter Type Description
limit int Required. limit servers to get
  • Get servers by Recommendation
var servers = nordServer.GetServers(ServerContext.Filters.Recommendation(), 100);
//100 is limit Parameter


var servers = nordServer.GetServers(ServerContext.Filters.Recommendation(), 100).SortBy(Func<>);
// Func is delegate method to sort servers
// example .SortBy(x => x.LoadPercent <= 40); // sort servers by LoadPercent <= 40%
//100 is limit Parameter
  • get servers by limit
var servers = nordServer.GetServers(1000);
/// 1000 is limit servers
  • get servers by country Parameter countryid is country id extract from nordServer.GetCountries();
var servers = nordServer.GetServers(ServerContext.Filters.ByCountry(countryid),100);
/// 1000 is limit servers
// example .GetServers(ServerContext.Filters.ByCountry("234"),100); // 234 is countryid of Vietnam
  • get servers by country Parameter identifier_name is identifier_name , extract from nordServer.GetTechnologies() or nordServer.GetCountries(); , example : openvpn_udp
var servers = nordServer.GetServers(ServerContext.Filters.RecommendationBy("openvpn_udp"), 100);
/// 1000 is limit servers
/// openvpn_udp is identifier_name
  • ✅ Create new Nord Remote Parameter NordVpnFolder is NordVPN installed folder
RemoteNord nord = new RemoteNord(NordVpnFolder);
// example : NordVpnFolder is C:\Program Files\NordVPN is NordVPN folder
  • 🪢 Connect to server Parameter Server is Server to connect , extract from GetServers method
var cn = nord.FindServerBy(servers[1]).Connect();
  • 🔃 Wait nord connect to server Parameter timeout is time wait connect
NordModel.ConnectionInfo info = cn.WaitConnect(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60)); // wait 1 minutes
NordModel.ConnectionInfo info = nord.FindServerBy(servers[1]).Connect().WaitConnect(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
// connect , then wait 1 minutes
  • ✅ Check ConnectionInfo

info.ElapsedTime is elapsed time to connect

info.Error is exception ( if connect error )

info.isConnected connect status ( bool ) , true is connect success , false is connect failed

  • 🔴 Disconnect nord

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Nord Vpn Library for .NET , using for automation softwares

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%