alvinr / mariadb-docker-build

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MariaDB builder with Docker

Docker image that encapculates all the 3rd party libraries required to build MariaDB, for Centos7 and Ubuntu 14.04.


  1. You have Docker installed and setup (i.e. you can already run a Docker image)

Linux Distros

Specifc instructions for each linux distro below.

CentOS Image

Supported CentOS 7 (latest)

Build the Docker image

Please change the environment variable HUB_UN to your Docker hub username

$ export HUB_UN=alvinr
$ docker build -t $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:centos -f Dockerfile.centos7 .

Run the image

$ docker run -it --rm --name centos-builder $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:centos

Ubuntu Image

Suported Ubuntu 14.04

Build the Docker image

Please change the environment variable HUB_UN to your Docker hub username

$ export HUB_UN=alvinr
$ docker build -t $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:ubuntu -f Dockerfile.ubuntu .

Run the image

$ docker run -it --rm --name ubuntu-builder $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:ubuntu

Usign the image to compile & build

Once you run the image, you will be at a bash prompt. You can then clone the code repsoitory, build etc. The generic build instructions are here, but here is an example:

# git clone mariadb-server
# cd mariadb-server
# git checkout bb-10.2-compatibility
# cmake . -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DWITH_JEMALLOC=yes
# make
# make install

Publishing the builder images

You can avoid the initial step of building the Docker images after you have initially built them. This allows for sharing of the images by others, or for your use on other machines. Publish as follows:

# docker push $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:ubuntu
# docker push $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:centos


  1. Docker image exposes a mount point for /src.

    $ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/src --name centos-builder $HUB_UN/mariadb-build:centos

However, if you mount your local git repo to this mount point, then you get various cmake issues, for example

storage/maria/unittest/CMakeFiles/ma_pagecache_consist_1kWR-t.dir/depend.make:4: *** missing separator.  Stop.

This needs further investigation - it would be nice to avoid cloning the repo into the Docker container each time.
