A Minigame plugin for PocketMine-MP: GodWar
# default is null, you need to replace here.
# ex) world-zip: world.zip
world-zip: ~
# It is time for the game to progress, default: 2000 (seconds)
time: 2000
# The number of rooms to be created.
room: 2
# The number of min player count.
min-count: 4
# The number of max player count, MUST larger than min count.
max-count: 8
red-spawn: "0:0:0:world"
blue-spawn: "0:0:0:world"
And you need to put the world zipped file in path/to/plugin_data/GodWar/your_zip_name.zip.
Skill 1: Block all players' skill use.
Skill 2: Can fly for 10 seconds.
Skill 1: Level 1 power buff on team.
Skill 2: Fire a trident. The opponent who hit the trident takes 5 damage and burns for 5 seconds.
Skill 1: Blocks the opposing player's vision within 8 spaces around you.
Skill 2: Ignite opponents within 10 squares.
Skill 1: Bind opponents within 6 squares of me to the floor.
Skill 2: Gain 2 protection for 5 seconds.
Skill 1: Dash Forward.
Skill 2: Fire a trident. The opponent who hit the trident will burn and take 10 damage.
Skill 1: Puts all players to sleep.
Skill 2: Recovers your health by 8.
If you break the opponent's core block (diamond), you win. However, you must break it with your hands.
: Called when game is started.
public function onGameStart(\alvin0319\GodWar\event\GameStartEvent $event) : void{
$room = $event->getRoom();
// code...
: Called when game is ended.
public function onGameEnd(\alvin0319\GodWar\event\GameEndEvent $event) : void{
$result = $event->getResult();
$winner = $result->getWinner(); // red or blue or null (null is draw)
$room = $result->getRoom();
// code...
: The room
* @var \alvin0319\GodWar\Room $room
* @var \pocketmine\Player $player
$room->addPlayer($player); // add player
$room->removePlayer($player); // remove player
$room->end("blue or red or null"); // end the game
$room->getPlayers(); // return players
$room->getBlueTeam(); // return blue players' job
$room->getRedTeam(); // return red players' job
$room->getTeamFor($player); // get team (red or blue)
$room->getTeamPlayers($player); // get players of team
$room->getJob($player); // get job
$room->getId(); // get id