alvar91 / alvar91

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Hello! My name is Alexey

I am a fanatical adept of technical creativity, programmer, engineer and researcher, TypeScript stormtrooper in a constant blitzkrieg of self-development on the way to Web Valhalla. 😀

📇 Connect with me

@alVarProg Linkedin

🛠 Main languages and Tools

typescript javascript nodejs express koa nest postgresql mongodb sequelize docker html5 css3 react redux nextjs vue sass less firebase git git gulp webpack jest figma photoshop

📊 Statistics


🔥 Algorithmic advances


alVarProg's LeetCode stats

💻 Public portfolio

Timelines Widget

Timeline, Calendar, Single Page Application

React, TypeScript, React Router, Gravity UI, Redux Toolkit, React Hook Form, Docker, CI/CD, Unit-tests, Jest

NestJS, TypeScript, Domain-driven design (DDD), Hexagonal, SOLID, PostgreSQL, TypeORM, Nginx, Docker, CI/CD, Unit-tests, Jest

«Timelines Widget» — web application that helps to analyze the history of work on a ticket. The project is designed to solve the problem of understanding how a ticket changed statuses when certain events occurred.

    The customer wanted to see the following information on the chart:
  • The time an application was in a particular status and the percentage of an application in the status of the total lifetime of the application.
  • Clear display of task status changes
  • What was the time goal and how long did it take to work on the application
  • Change of performers
  • Transition to accounting/non-registration holidays
  • Targets for visualizing important dates when working on a ticket

Model View Presenter, Persist storage, Custom slider, Custom tabs, Fade-in, Fade-out, Modals, Validation, Copy clipboard

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

«Brooklyn Public Library» — demo for RSSchool

Calendar, Single Page Application, Popover

React, TypeScript

«Manager's desktop» — widget for Idex Group

Form, Fake Password Asterisks, Debounce

JavaScript, HTML, CSS

«Lan Project» — test task for Lan Project

Virtual Scroll, Single Page Application, Routing, Persistent Storage, Yandex OAuth

TypeScript, TSX, Vue, Vue Proxy, Vuex, Vuex Simple, Vue Class Component, Vue Property Decorator, Vue Router, Vuelidate, Vuetify, Vue Notification, VMask, Axios, Swagger Typescript Api

«Ozon Messages» — chat rooms with registration and logging

Single Page Application, Routing, Unit testing

TypeScript, TSX, Vue, Vuex, Vuex Simple, Vue Class Component, Vue Property Decorator, Vue Router, Jest

«HR» — demo of human resource CRM

Single Page Application, React Hooks, React Patterns, Routing, Persistent storage, Drag and drop

React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Reselect, Redux Persist, React Hook Form, React Router, React Toastify, React Beautiful Dnd

«Trello clone» — a demo of the Trello

Single Page Application, React Hooks, React Patterns, Routing, Unit testing, Integration testing, e2e-testing

React, Redux, Redux Saga, React Router, Material UI, Lazyload, Skeleton, Firebase, React Helmet, React Modal, Unsplash API, React Slick Carousel, Jest, Enzyme, Cypress

«Instagram clone» — a demo of the Instagram

Progressive web app (persistent storage), CRUD, Websocket, Model View Presenter, Patterns, Single Page Application, Routing, Drag and drop, Charts, e2e-tests

NodeJS, Express, HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, ChartJS, Cypress, Yandex maps

«Coin.» — a demo of the banking system with authorization, logging, work with accounts and user transactions

CRUD, Model View Presenter, Patterns, Single Page Application, Routing, Pagination

NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, IMask

«Skb CRM» — Customer Relationship Management service for education system

Responsive, Accessibility, Pixel perfect, Perfomance

PUG, SCSS, JavaScript, Yandex maps, Swiper, Input mask, Choices, Nouislider, Progressbar, Gulp, Express, Nodemailer

«SitDownPls» — a network of furniture and home accessories stores

Responsive, Accessibility, Pixel perfect, Perfomance

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Yandex maps, Swiper slider, Input mask, Just validate, Popper, Simple bar, Tippy

«Blanchard» — a demo of an art Gallery

Responsive, Accessibility, Pixel perfect, Perfomance

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Swiper slider, Tabs, Gulp

«Evklid» — a demo of a project company

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Slider, Isotope

«Lostshirt» — a demo of an online t-shirt store


«Lagoona» — hotel chain
