alshakero / js_recruitment_task

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JS Recruitment Task


A quick solution for

Running the app

  • Clone this repository.
  • Run yarn or npm i in its dir.
  • Run yarn dev or npm start dev.

Testing the app

I wrote 10 primitive tests just to make a point. I didn't use any libs as required. I just created assert, assertEqual, and describe utilities to help me test. Break anything in the app and you should see the respective tests failing.

To run the tests

Small note:

This is not a proper way to test an app. There are many amazing libs out there. So please don't judge the quality of my code from the test folder. I think only the app code is representative of my code quality.


I would probably use Mocha with SauceLabs or Browserstack.

IE support

I didn't put any effort in supporting IE. Because fetch is recommended and IE doesn't support fetch. So I dropped it. An alternative to fetch is using plain old XHR requests or import axios, which will need Promises polyfill.


I understand they're not requirements. But I wanted my demo to stand out. Read-Later flying animation is lovely and its code is clean (~6 lines of code) but only works in FF and Chromium browsers. It renders nicely in other browsers but without the flying animation, only fades in. An alternative that works everywhere would be anime.js.

File structure

Since Parcel is setup, I cut my code into three modules:

  • utils.js: has all the utility functions I use around the app.
  • readLaterStore.js takes care of storing, loading, and rendering read-later articles.
  • main.js the entry point.

The reason is for easier readability and maintenance.

Using localStorage

I understand that localStorage is not recommended these days due to performance and security issues. But since all their logic is in one place (readLaterStore.js) it's easy to replace it with any other API. I just like how simple and straight forward localStorage is, and I didn't see the task as something about data persistence performance.


A nice alternative would be the shining and new KV Storage!

Quick view

You can view the app quickly using GH pages here.


I liked the task description and the requirements are clear. I also appreciate taking care of the CSS and HTML. Saved me some time for sure. Thanks.



Language:JavaScript 76.8%Language:HTML 15.8%Language:CSS 7.3%