alphagov / pay-nginx-proxy

A generic WAF proxy layer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Proxy for GOV.UK Pay.

We run the nginx proxy inside a Fargate container for all of our apps.

Fargate deployment

To update and deploy a new nginx-proxy container:

  • Raise a pull request, get an approval and merge it.
  • The Github Actions post-merge workflow will test a build of the image from the main branch and create a release tag.
  • The Concourse deploy-to-test pipeline is triggered by the release tag. It will build the Docker image, tag it as *-release and push it to the AWS test account's ECR repository (for historical reasons, the image is called 'docker-nginx-proxy' in ECR).
  • Concourse will then attempt to deploy Toolbox with the new *-release nginx-proxy container. If successful, the *-release image will be pushed to the AWS staging account's ECR repository.
  • The Concourse deploy-to-staging pipeline will then deploy Toolbox to the staging environment. If successful, the *-release image will be pushed to the AWS staging account's ECR repository. push to the AWS production account's repository.
  • The Concourse deploy-to-production pipeline will deploy Toolbox with the new *-release nginx-proxy container.

Note that once the image is pushed to ECR, all other apps that use the nginx sidecar will pick up the latest version when they are deployed to that environment. To prevent this, pin the previous nginx release version in Concourse.


Environment Variables

Multi-location Variables

Variables to control how to configure the proxy (can be set per location, see Using Multiple Locations).

  • PROXY_SERVICE_HOST - The upstream host you want this service to proxy.
  • PROXY_SERVICE_PORT - The port of the upstream host you want this service to proxy.
  • NAXSI_RULES_URL_CSV - A CSV of Naxsi URL's of files to download and use. (Files must end in .rules to be loaded)
  • NAXSI_RULES_MD5_CSV - A CSV of md5 hashes for the files specified above
  • NAXSI_USE_DEFAULT_RULES - If set to "FALSE" will delete the default rules file.
  • UUID_VARIABLE_NAME - The name of the variable used to set $uuid which is in turn used to populate the X-Request-Id header sent to proxied services. Default is $request_id which is automatically generated by ngx_http_core_module. Another option is $http_x_request_id which would represent the X-Request-ID header from the incoming request.
  • REQS_PER_SEC - Will limit requests e.g. set to 1 to allow one request per second.
  • REQS_PER_PAGE - Will limit requests to 'bursts' of x requests at a time before terminating (will default to 20)
  • RATE_LIMIT_DELAY - The number of requests to process without delay within the burst setting e.g. delay=10 (default off, can also be set to nodelay)
  • RATE_LIMIT_ZONE_KEY - The key used to apply rate limiting (default binary_remote_addr will apply the configured rate limit by user IP)

Single set Variables

Note the following variables can only be set once:

  • ADD_NGINX_SERVER_CFG - Arbitrary extra NGINX configuration to be added to the server context, see Arbitrary Config
  • AWS_REGION - Sets the AWS region this container is running in. Used to construct urls from which to download resources from. Defaults to 'eu-west-1' if not set.
  • ENABLE_BIG_BUFFERS - Set higher predefined proxy buffer limits. Useful if you're getting errors related to "upstream headers being too big".
  • LOCATIONS_CSV - Set to a list of locations that are to be independently proxied, see the example Using Multiple Locations. Note, if this isn't set, / will be used as the default location.
  • CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE - Can set a larger upload than Nginx defaults in MB.
  • CLIENT_BODY_BUFFER_SIZE - Can set a larger body buffer size than Nginx defaults in MB.
  • HTTP_LISTEN_PORT - Change the default inside the container from 10080.
  • HTTPS_LISTEN_PORT - Change the default inside the container from 10443.
  • ERROR_LOG_LEVEL - The log level to use for nginx's error_log directive (default: 'error')
  • PROXY_STATIC_CACHING - Enables static asset caching at the webserver level. Set to 'true' to enable.
  • REAL_IP_HEADER - The header containing the forwarded client ip e.g. X-Forwarded-For
  • REAL_IP_FROM - The IP or CIDR from which to trust IPs set in REAL_IP_HEADER


This container exposes

  • 10080 - HTTP
  • 10443 - HTTPS

N.B. see HTTP(S)_LISTEN_PORT above

Useful File Locations

  • nginx.conf is stored at /etc/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
  • /etc/keys/crt & /etc/keys/key - A certificate can be mounted here to make nginx use it. However a self signed one is provided if they have not been mounted.
  • /etc/nginx/conf/naxsi/*.conf - Naxsi rules location in default nginx.conf.
  • /etc/nginx/html/$CODE.shtml - HTML (with SSI support) displayed when a the status code $CODE is encountered upstream and the proxy is configured to intercept.
  • /etc/nginx/html/418-request-denied.shtml - HTML (with SSI support) displayed when NAXSI blocks a request.


Using Multiple Locations

When the LOCATIONS_CSV option is set, multiple locations can be proxied. The settings for each proxy location can be controlled with the use of any Multi-location Variables by suffixing the variable name with both a number, and the '_' character, as listed in the LOCATIONS_CSV variable.

Two servers

The example below configures a simple proxy with two locations '/' (location 1) and '/api' (location 2):

docker run -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_HOST_1=' \
           -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_PORT_1=80' \
           -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_HOST_2=https://api.svc.cluster.local' \
           -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_PORT_2=8888' \
           -e 'LOCATIONS_CSV=/,/api' \
           -p 8443:443 \

For more detail, see the generated config.

One Server, Multiple locations

The example below will proxy the same address for two locations but will run with rate-limiting configuration or the /about location only.

See the generated config for below:

docker run -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_HOST=' \
           -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_PORT=80' \
           -e 'LOCATIONS_CSV=/,/about' \
           -e 'REQS_PER_PAGE_2=5' \
           -p 8443:443 \

Arbitrary Config

The example below will return "404" for the URL /notfound.

docker run -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_HOST=' \
           -e 'PROXY_SERVICE_PORT=80' \
           -e 'ADD_NGINX_SERVER_CFG=location /notfound { return 404; };' \
           -p 8443:443 \


The proxy is tested using a handful of the scenarios listed above with a mock server instance in a Docker Compose stack and is currently executed by a Github Actions Workflow.

View the .github/workflows and tests/ directories for more info.

Built With

  • Nginx - The proxy server core software.
  • Naxsi - NAXSI is an open-source, high performance, low rules maintenance WAF for NGINX

Find Us


Feel free to submit pull requests and issues. If it's a particularly large PR, you may wish to discuss it in an issue first.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


We use SemVer for the version tags available See the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A generic WAF proxy layer

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 89.7%Language:Dockerfile 10.3%