alphagov / paas-metric-exporter

The CloudFoundry StatsD apps metric exporter.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This application consumes container metrics off the Cloud Foundry Doppler daemon, processes them based on the provided metrics template, and then sends them to a StatsD endpoint.

The application will get metrics for all apps that the user has access to.

To use paas-metric-exporter with GOV.UK PaaS, see the documentation.

⚠️ Prometheus support in paas-metric-exporter is deprecated. Please use alphagov/paas-prometheus-exporter instead.


The application is based on pivotal-cf/graphite-nozzle.

Available metrics

The following metrics will be exported for every application instance.

Name Type Description
cpu gauge CPU utilisation
diskBytes gauge Disk usage in bytes
diskUtilization gauge Disk utilisation in percent (0-100)
memoryBytes gauge Memory usage in bytes
memoryUtilization gauge Memory utilisation in percent (0-100)
crash counter Increased by one if the application crashed for any reason
requests.1xx counter Number of requests processed with 1xx status
requests.2xx counter Number of requests processed with 2xx status
requests.3xx counter Number of requests processed with 3xx status
requests.4xx counter Number of requests processed with 4xx status
requests.5xx counter Number of requests processed with 5xx status
requests.other counter Number of requests processed with unknown status
responseTime.1xx timer Timing of processed requests with 1xx status
responseTime.2xx timer Timing of processed requests with 2xx status
responseTime.3xx timer Timing of processed requests with 3xx status
responseTime.4xx timer Timing of processed requests with 4xx status
responseTime.5xx timer Timing of processed requests with 5xx status
responseTime.other timer Timing of processed requests with unknown status

Getting Started

Refer to the PaaS Technical Documentation for instructions on how to set up the metrics exporter app. Information on the configuration options are in the following table.

Configuration Option Application Flag Environment Variable Notes
API endpoint api-endpoint API_ENDPOINT
Statsd endpoint statsd-endpoint STATSD_ENDPOINT
Statsd prefix statsd-prefix STATSD_PREFIX Namespace prepended to all emitted metric names. The default is mycf which results in metrics names like mycf.cpu, mycf.diskBytes etc
Username username USERNAME
Password password PASSWORD
Skip SSL Validation skip-ssl-validation SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION
Enable debug mode debug DEBUG This disables forwarding to statsd and prints to stdout
Update frequency update-frequency UPDATE_FREQUENCY The time in seconds, that takes between each apps update call
Metric template metric-template METRIC_TEMPLATE The template that will form a new metric namespace
Metric Whitelist metric-whitelist METRIC_WHITELIST Comma separated metric name prefixes to enable. All by default.
Prometheus Bind Port prometheus-bind-port PORT The port that the prometheus server binds to. Default is 8080
Enable Statsd enable-statsd ENABLE_STATSD Enable the statsd sender. Default is true.
Enable prometheus enable-prometheus ENABLE_PROMETHEUS Enable the prometheus sender. Default is false.
Enable Loggregator enable-loggregator ENABLE_LOGGREGATOR Enable the Loggregator sender. Default is false.

Metric Whitelist

By default all the above metrics will be emitted.

You may restrict these, by composing a list of comma separated metric name prefixes. For instance, in order to limit metrics to CPU, Disk usage, Response Times, and Requests metrics:

export METRIC_WHITELIST="cpu,diskBytes,responseTime,requests"
go run main.go

Supported template fields

You can use following template fields in your metric template:

  • {{.App}} - name of the application
  • {{.CellId}} - Cell GUID
  • {{.GUID}} - Application ID
  • {{.Instance}} - Application instance
  • {{.Job}} - BOSH job name e.g cell
  • {{.Metric}} - a metric from the list of available metrics
  • {{.Organisation}} - a CF organisation that the app belongs to
  • {{.Space}} - CF space used to deploy application


To run the test suite, first make sure you have ginkgo and gomega installed:

go get
go get

Then run make test from the root of this repository.

Regenerating mocks

We generate some test mocks using counterfeiter. The mocks need to be regenerated if the mocked interfaces are changed.

To install counterfeiter please run first:

go get

To generate the mocks:

make generate


The CloudFoundry StatsD apps metric exporter.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 97.4%Language:Shell 2.2%Language:Makefile 0.4%