alphagamer7 / CryptoCrashWeb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Athif Ahamed Mohamed Shaffy: A00256229

Shivam Sharma: A00253431

Updated Proposal

Final Proposal for Web.pdf

Idea is basically a web version of our iOS app we build for the iOS course. iOS app link:


We initiall tried to use with firebase identity, but since it took too long we decided to go with the ASP.NET with idenity approach. We wil use firebase storeage to upload profile picture since we did that in our android project and we could reuse the same logic.

We also thought about going with Angular, but decided against it since razorpages were quite straightforward and takes less time since there is easy support for easy scaffolding with entity framework.

Criteria points - Checkin 2:

  • Added migrations, we mistakely added wrong datatype for author and did a migration to update field. We migrated via nuget package manager console.
  • Testings was started, we did a few basic test as shown in commits.
  • We did basic linq query to get user details. We dint have to use too much of linq query since we did the first auxiliary goal which was to retrieve data from news orgs api.
  • Login, register and user management was done via scaffolding, but we customized to have first name and last name stored as well.
  • Extra added integration tests:

Criteria points - Checkin 3:

MVC controller test issues


Get news list image (1)

Home page homepage latest

profile page

Add to read later

remove from read later

DB mssql server db view

db ss

Challenges faced and resolved

  • DB connection, resolved it.
  • Linking up razor pages, fixed that.
  • API call with server, resolved that, issue was too much api calls cause timeouts from server fixed that.
  • We stumbled across few issues while we were testing and then followed few youtube tutorial and as well as your classes and added tests.

Future steps:

  • Make interface better looking with material UI.
  • Host db on azure cloud sql server
  • Host app on appservice of azure
  • SEO/marketing



Language:C# 81.6%Language:HTML 17.2%Language:CSS 1.0%Language:JavaScript 0.2%