KABA Alpha (alpha970)


Geek Repo


Home Page:https://kamweb.vercel.app

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

KABA Alpha's starred repositories


Squaak is a Web-application with video chat and real-time messaging capabilities. Squaak's Video Chat utilizes Agoras SDK and Agora Token Builder. Squaak's Messaging utilizes Django Channels and Web Sockets in order to provide RTC. The friends interface allows users to interact with one-another in various ways. The notifications in this web-app utilize Django Notifications HQ.



With featured and recent posts, categories. full markdown articles, author information, comments, and much more, this fully responsive CMS Blog App is the best Blog Application that you can currently find on YouTube. And what's best of all is that you and your clients can manage the blog from a dedicated Content Management System.
