alokomkar / RxDaggerMediaPlay

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sample project to illustrate usage of Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Room and LiveData.

Title : MediaPlay Description : An app to stream songs from API provided by 3rd party vendor Language used : Kotlin

Modules : 1. Core 2. App

      Core Module : comprises of all the dependencies used in most of the projects

      App Module : specific logic related to the application in question

Libraries used :

  1. Dagger : Dependency Injection framework from Google
  2. Retrofit : Networking library
  3. Picasso : Image loading library
  4. RxJava : Reactive extensions library
  5. LiveData : lifecycle aware component which is part of AAC by Google
  6. Room : Abstraction library built on top of Sqlite Android database.
  7. ExoPlayer : Media player library

Deployment instructions :

Clone the repo from terminal : git clone


Download the project from github link :

Network Response :

The network response has been put in sample_response.json



Language:Kotlin 100.0%