aloknerurkar / dumbDB

A simple interface over BoltDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This library serves as a simple cross-platform key-value store. It is built using boltDB underneath.

It provides a simple Get/Store/Remove type of interface over boltDB.

Use cases

I have recently tried to find a way to reduce common code between the Android and iOS apps. gomobile is one such tool that I have found very useful.

For more information about gomobile:

The dumbDB can be compiled directly into a library using gomobile bind or we can build an interface on top of it for dealing with specific structs.

db := dumbDB.NewDumbDB(".", "db1", os.Stdout)

This will create a new DumbDB pointer. It will use the file 'db1.dumbDB' in the current directory. The os.Stdout directs the logs to Stdout.

Using an interface

For example look at the tests/test_structs.go file.

The following interface is defined.

type UserRecord struct { ID int Name string Position string }

func (ur UserRecord) GetKey() []byte { b := make([]byte, 8) binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, uint64(ur.ID)) return b }

func (ur UserRecord) GetVal() []byte { b, err := json.Marshal(ur) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed marshalling") } return b }

func (ur UserRecord) GetRecord() [][]byte { b := make([][]byte, 2) b[0] = ur.GetKey() b[1] = ur.GetVal() return b }

func (ur UserRecord) PutVal(val []byte) UserRecord { err := json.Unmarshal(val, &ur) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed unmarshalling") } return ur }

Now you can write wrappers, which call the DumbDB APIs underneath.

For example:

GetUser() UserRecord { b,e := Get(USER_BUCKET) user := UserRecord{} user = user.PutVal(b) return user }


A simple interface over BoltDB


Language:Go 100.0%