alnacle / metaparser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exiv2 metatag extractor

metaparser is a CLI tool to parse and extract tag information from the image's metadata header. The tool help to organise a directory based on the list of tags extracted.

Setting up the environment

The tool is written in Python3 and the dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. I'd recommend using virtualenvs and pip to set this up:

$ virtualenv myenv --python=`which python3`
$ source myenv/bin/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


The tool provides inline help by using the -h flag:

$ ./metaparser -h

usage: metaparser [-h] [-m MINIMUM] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [-p] directory

positional arguments:
  directory             source folder with images to be parsed.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MINIMUM, --minimum MINIMUM
                        set the minimum number of images for a tag to be
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        create one folder per tag with all images inside
  -v, --verbose         increase verbosity level
  -p, --print           print out the list of tags and images on stdout.

The directory parameter is mandatory and specifies the directory which contains all images to be parsed. Once set, we can print out on stdout the tags found and the number of images for each of them:

$ ./metaparser --print ~/Photos

castle (1) ['/home/anavarro/Photos/CAST_0.jpg']
vehicle (1) ['/home/anavarro/Photos/VEH_1.jpg']

In case we want to process only the most relevant tags (those with higher number of images), we could set a minimum of images per tag. The following example prints out the tags with a minimum of 5 images. Tags with 4 or below will be discarded:

$ ./metaparser --print --minimum=5 ~/Photos

beach (5) ['/home/anavarro/Photos/SZG_0.jpg',

Finally, it's possible to create a new folder structure with the extracted tags (the -v flag provides some extra information on stdout):

$ ./metaparser -v --minimum=5 --output=Outpout ~/Photos 

Copying  /home/anavarro/Photos/VIE_1.jpg Output/leisure
Copying  /home/anavarro/Photos/VIE_1.jpg Output/food
Copying  /home/anavarro/Photos/VIE_1.jpg Output/mountain
Copying  /home/anavarro/Photos/SZG_0.jpg Output/waterfall


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%