allure-framework / allure2

Allure Report is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test reporting tool. It provides clear graphical reports and allows everyone involved in the development process to extract the maximum of information from the everyday testing process

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comallure-framework/allure2Repository from Github https://github.comallure-framework/allure2

Allure Report

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Allure Report is a flexible multi-language test report tool to show you a detailed representation of what has been tested and extract maximum from the everyday execution of tests.

Allure Report logo


You can use one of the following ways to get Allure:

  • Grab it from releases (see Assets section).

  • Using Homebrew:

    $ brew install allure
  • For Windows, Allure is available from the Scoop commandline-installer. To install Allure, download and install Scoop and then execute in the Powershell:

    scoop install allure

How Allure Report works

Allure Report can build unified reports for dozens of testing tools across eleven programming languages on several CI/CD systems.

How Allure Report works

Allure TestOps

DevOps-ready Testing Platform built to reduce code time-to-market without quality loss. You can set up your product quality control and boost your QA and development team productivity by setting up your TestOps.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contributed. [Contribute].


Allure Report is a flexible, lightweight multi-language test reporting tool. It provides clear graphical reports and allows everyone involved in the development process to extract the maximum of information from the everyday testing process

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 78.5%Language:JavaScript 13.7%Language:SCSS 3.4%Language:Handlebars 3.1%Language:HTML 1.0%Language:FreeMarker 0.2%Language:CSS 0.0%