allison-casey / sqisp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Documentation Status

Status Quo Lisp or Sqisp is a lisp dialect that compiles to sqf. Its main goal is to unify sqf's somewhat arbitrary and muddled syntax and enhance it with lisp's consistency and compile time macro capability.

NOTE: Sqisp is in Beta and subject to change. A stable api will be released at v1.0.


For most users it is recommended to to install sqisp from pypi with

pip install sqisp

or from github with

pip install git+

To stay up to date with development its recommended to install sqisp from its source. Its highly recommended to install from a virtual environment.

git clone
cd ./sqisp
python install --user


  • [x] macros
  • [ ] keywords
  • [x] name mangling
  • [x] private by default


  • [x] if
  • [x] def
  • [x] basic math expressions [+, -, *, /, %]
  • [x] do
  • [x] logical operators [and, or, =, <, <=, >, >=, !=]
  • [x] arrays
  • [x] for
  • [x] while
  • [x] fn
  • [x] foreach
  • [x] case :Implemented with cond
  • [ ] exitwith [NOTE]: May be unnecessary
  • [ ] waituntil [NOTE]: May be unnecessary
  • [ ] default [NOTE]: May be unnecessary
  • [x] function call syntax
  • [x] comments
  • [x] setv


Input Arma Lisp

# will watch the current directory and compile all sqp files
# the same directory
sqisp -w .
;; Import statement adds external sqf functions to the global namespace
(import someExternalFunction

;; Equality operators
(= "hello" (if true "hello" "world"))

;; Math Operators
(def some_num (+ 2 -5 (/ 2.4 30 3.3) (- 20 33)))

;; Unified function call syntax
(select (count (allUnits)) 2)

;; Variable definition
(def some_arr [1 2 3 4 5 6])

;; Global Variable Definition
(defglobal some_global "hello global")
(defglobal __anoher_global "I can even have leading underscores!")

;; If Expression
(if (or (>= some_num 223) (= (% some_num 2) 0))
    (str some_num)
    (if true "Hello" "World"))

(def my_func (fn [a b c]
                (bis/hint a)
                (bis/hint b)
                (bis/hint c)))
(def my_val ( my_func "hello" "world" 24.3 ))

;; Define Lambda Expression
(def even? (fn [val] (= (% val 2) 0)))

;; Commas are whitespace
(fn [a, b,,, c]
    (hint (str [a b c]))
    (hint "sub dog"))

;; For loop with optional step
(for [i 0 10]
    (hint i)
    (hint "Hello For Loop!"))

(for [i 0 10 2] ; some inline comment
    (hint i))

;; While Loop
(while (< x 10)
    (hint x))

;; Doseq (forEach) loop
(doseq [x [1, 2, 3, 4]]
    (hint x))

Output SQF

// imported someExternalFunction, someOtherExternalFunction;
("hello" == if (true) then
private _some_num = (2 + -5 + (2.4 / 30 / 3.3) + (20 - 33));
( ( count allUnits ) select 2 );
private _some_arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
some_global = "hello global";
anoher_global = "I can even have leading underscores!";
if ((_some_num >= 223) || ((_some_num % 2) == 0)) then
    ( str _some_num )
    if (true) then
private _my_func =
    params ["_a", "_b", "_c"];
    ( hint _a );
    ( hint _b );
    ( hint _c )
private _my_val = ["hello", "world", 24.3] call _my_func;
private _is_even =
    params ["_val"];
    ((_val % 2) == 0)
    params ["_a", "_b", "_c"];
    ( hint ( str [_a, _b, _c] ) );
    ( hint "sub dog" )
for "_i" from 0 to 10 do
    ( hint _i );
    ( hint "Hello For Loop!" )
for "_i" from 0 to 10 step 2 do
    ( hint _i )
    (_x < 10)
    ( hint _x )
    private _x = _x;
( hint _x ) } forEach [1, 2, 3, 4]


License:MIT License


Language:Hy 68.0%Language:Python 27.7%Language:Makefile 4.3%