allejo / Droopy

A repository maintained by AS Marketing that contains JavaScript and CSS fixes and improvements that are injected into CSUN's WebOne to add new features and fix bugs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Droopy is a project started and maintained by AS Marketing that adds client-side workarounds to problems that WebOne won't solve. In addition, this project contains a list of utility CSS classes to assist with working on "Full HTML" pages; all classes are prefixed with .droopy- to avoid conflicts.

Warning: Since this tools relies on JavaScript injections, this project requires that JavaScript is enabled in browsers.


  1. Upload these files to your webserver so they can be linked to. Do not upload these files via WebOne as WebOne would treat these files as plain text and not JS/CSS files.

  2. Add a new block node called "CSS/JS Patch," the name is entirely subjective, to the sidebar and add the following content to that block node. Be sure that when you add this node, it is the last node in the sidebar so it can automatically hide itself so there will be no whitespace.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://your.url/Droopy.css">
<script src="http://your.url/Droopy.js"></script>

Available Features

Droopy Calendar

Difficulty: Easy

Demo: On the Associated Students calendar page, a Droopy calendar is used.

Calendars in WebOne may be embedded into pages easily but when navigating from month to month, the page requires to be reloaded or navigate away from the existing page. As an alternative, Droopy provides it's own calendar which can be embedded inside of a page an will updated as if it were in an iframe.

This calendar is entirely mobile responsive so it will display on mobile devices.

Add the following code snippet into your Full HTML page and your group's calendar will be displayed automatically; this means you will not be able to load the Associated Students calendar on the Alumni Association website.

<div id="droopyCalendar" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="additions"></div>

Droopy Events by Tag (Deprecated)

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

This feature has been implemented natively within Web-One as a View. It is called "(Beta) Show Events with Tag" and is available under the "Calendar" section of panelizer.

Difficulty: Easy

Demo: This option is used on the Sport Clubs page to list their upcoming events.

WebOne does not have a "Calendar by Tag" node that lists events containing to a specific tag. This Droopy feature looks for elements with the .droopy-ebt class and requires the data-tag with its value being the ID of the specific tag. That's it!

<div class="droopy-ebt" data-tag="6546" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="additions"></div>

Jump to Accordion (Deprecated)

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

This feature has been implemented natively within Web-One but with different behavior. All hashes are generated with the name of the accordion but with spaces stripped out. e.g.

Accordion Tab Title: Accordion Header 1
URL hash:            #AccordionHeader1

Difficulty: Easy

This feature allows you to send someone directly to an accordion tab and have the accordion tab open automatically when the page loads.

To create a URL to open a specific tab, you will need to get the exact name of the tab and do the following:

  1. Copy the name of the accordion tab
  2. Add a pound sign (#) to the URL of the current page in the address bar
  3. Paste the name of the accordion tab. Do not press enter
  4. Replace all hypens with underscores (_)
  5. Replace all spaces with hyphens (-)
  6. Keep all symbols, numbers, and capitializations
  7. Click in the address bar and hit enter to reload the page to test

Before you jump to the conclusion that the URL you just made does not work, copy paste the URL in another browser page because some browsers will not fully reload the page when modifying the URL to simply add a pound sign.


Example 1

We will need to keep any symbols in the URL, whether it be a question mark or parentheses.

Accordion Tab Title: What kind of club sports teams does CSUN offer?
URL hash:            #What-kind-of-club-sports-teams-does-CSUN-offer?

Example 2

Because we are already using a hypen to symbolize a space, we will need a different symbol for an actual hyphen, so an underscore (_) is supported instead.

Accordion Tab Title: Fine-tune your page
URL hash:            #Fine_tune-your-page


On the Associated Students administration page, there is an accordion tab called "Human Resources Forms and Other Documents" so that will translate to "#Human-Resources-Forms-and-Other-Documents"



A repository maintained by AS Marketing that contains JavaScript and CSS fixes and improvements that are injected into CSUN's WebOne to add new features and fix bugs


Language:CSS 69.0%Language:JavaScript 31.0%