Alla Sandeep (allasandeep)


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Location:San Jose, California


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Alla Sandeep's starred repositories


TMS is a full-stack website that maintains records of all employees with their personal information. It keeps track of hours worked by an employee on a particular project assigned to him. It maintains time sheets and generates detailed and summary reports of the employee time sheets. TMS also has an admin page, which can manage all the employees, projects, time sheets etc. Front-End Technologies : ReactJS ,Redux, ReactJS Bootstrap, JSX, and CSS 3. Server-Side Technologies : PHP Slim, MySQL.



The objective of this is to write a Java GUI application with which a travel agent could present options for travel destinations to a client who wants to redeem his or her accumulated frequent flyer miles. Assuming all trips depart from O'Hare International Airport and that the miles represented are for a roundtrip ticket.



This Java Console based application consists of 3 java classes and 3 java test classes. Data java class and DateTest class shows the given date as i hard-coded it. Employee and EmployeeTest shows the salary of a particular employee. Invoice and InvoiceTest shows the invoice amount



This program prompt the user to enter an integer representing the day, a second prompt to enter an integer representing the month and a third to enter an integer representing the year. Then, instantiate your Date object with these values. After that, call the method DaysSinceJan1() to display the answer.



This is about object oriented programming in java - objects, classes, methods. The objective of USMoney and USMoneyTest class is to prompt the user twice. The first to enter an integer representing dollars and the second to enter an integer representing cents. Use these values to create the first object named x. Do it again for the object named y and add both the values.



This program prompt the user to enter an option from the list of 3 options. If option 1 was entered then the list of all the entries must be displayed, for option 2 name, email, phone number are asked to enter along with validations, for option 3 it should exit the program by displaying a message.



This application first output's a String representation of each Payable object. Next, if an object is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee, increase its base salary by 10%. Finally, output's the payment amount for each Payable object.



Java application using graphics and concurrency (multithreading) to display an animated version of various common sorting algorithms.



This is a simple Android app consisting of a bottle image which is used to play games like truth or dare. In the app there is a button Go/Reset which when pressed the bottle spins and stops at a particular direction and then can be reset to normal position



We can find the area of different shapes in Andriod Application. Here the shapes used are triangle, circle and ellipse. There is a radio button to choose one from the shapes and a do calculation button in the main activity. While coming to shapes activity it will ask the user to enter the radius in the text field if the shape is a circle and click on calculate the area button. The output will be displayed on the main activity under the do calculation button.



It is basically like WhatsApp connected to the firebase database. You can chat with friends on private, groups. Only the admin of the group can add people into the group, there will be a login page for the users and we can also upload status which will be seen for upto 24 hours by our freinds.



E-commerce Android App with console Firebase consists of Join account, Create account for users. Admin can also login through the app. Admin can add different products he want his users to see. Data of the users and products will be stored in firebase. Users can login and add products to the cart, update their profile with their name, address, picture and phone number.



Swoosh is an app developed in kotlin. It is a simple app in which we can learn how to use classes, intents, contents, tools, constraint layout in kotlin



Shop app is used to display various products segregated by their categories along with name and price. Used Recycler view to list all the products, landscape orientation also was developed for this application



Weather Forecast is a project part of Udacity NanoDegree program. It consists of all the weather updates on daily basis. We can know the humidity, pressure and wind of a particular day by clicking on it. We can also share the weather information through email, bluetooth etc, can access google maps. In settings we can change the location, temperature in metric/ imperial and enable / disable notifications.



This is a Ecommerce site ,where you can buy items.



This is the backend part for the Time and Management System project. It is coded using PHP Slim Framework



This is a Data Visualization application using charts from .Net. It can shows visualizations in the following charts.



TMS is a full-stack website that maintains records of all employees with their personal information. It keeps track of hours worked by an employee on a particular project assigned to him. It maintains time sheets and generates detailed and summary reports of the employee time sheets. TMS also has an admin page, which can manage all the employees, projects, time sheets etc. Front-End Technologies : ReactJS ,Redux, ReactJS Bootstrap, JSX, and CSS 3. Server-Side Technologies : PHP Slim, MySQL. View PHP-rest-api-for-TMS for back-end part of this application.



This is a Paint Application in .Net using Graphics package. This application performs similar to the Microsoft's Paint Application with limited functionalities.



This is a Sudoku Puzzle game application in .Net. It contains different difficulty levels to play.



This is a Student Performance System which uses .NET's Language Integrated Query LINQ to query and produce results.



This is the Forms version of the Student Enrollment Application which i posted earlier. It performs all the operations by using Buttons, Text boxes, Radio Buttons etc.



This is a Student Enrollment Console Application using C#. This Application contains 2 classes such as Student Class and Course Class. The objective of this application is to perform the following functionalities : 1. Print Student List (All) 2. Print Student List with (Specific Major) 3. Print Student List (Specific Academic Year) 4. Print Course List 5. Print Course Roster 6. Enroll Student 7. Drop Student 8. Quit



This Application can be used to find the boundary values of a region. To do so first the boundary data files and the region information data files must be inserted into the database (Refer to the data files folder for the format ). Later the user can simply type in the region to get its boundary data.
