allancoding / edg


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool ๐Ÿ‘ˆ Join the Edgesploit community here!

How do you install Edgesploit? ๐Ÿ“œ

Start by doing the following:

  1. Install the script managing extension TamperMonkey.
  2. Install the Edgesploit script here.
  3. Log into Edgenuity and Edgesploit should automatically be injected into the site. Check for the logo on the bottom right corner.

What does Edgesploit do? ๐Ÿค”

Edgesploit has...

  • Activity Advance: Advances to the next activity when the current one is complete.
  • Answer Guesser: Selects random answers for non-graded activities.
  • Answer Lookup: Offers several links when you select a question.
  • Anti Logout: Prevents automatic logouts from inactivity.
  • Auto Vocab: Fills in vocabulary answers in Vocabulary activities.
  • Duplicate Tabs: Allows opening multiple tabs.
  • Frame Advance: Automatically clicks to the next frame.
  • Frame Bypass: Removes frame restrictions to freely navigate through activities.
  • Show Columns: Shows every hidden question in assignments.
  • Skip Intros: Removes introduction screens that block your inputs.
  • Themes: Replaces Edgenuity's depressing background with any background you want.

The script is not working. โ“

You can troubleshoot by doing the following:

  • Right click TamperMonkey and go to "Options", click "Settings", and set Config mode to "Advanced".
  • Check if "Include script storage" is enabled. Find it in "Utilities".
  • Update your browser to the latest version.
  • Try using different browsers. Recommend to start off using Google Chrome (the browser Edgesploit has been tested on).

You can report bugs, find support, & suggest features on my Discord server.

Any keybinds?

Shift+Z to open & close the menu Shift+D to hide & show the menu icon.

Theres are several errors in the script.

This is due to the script being compressed, and it's completely normal. The script will run fine.

Duplicate tabs is not working.

Open new activities slower as the script needs time time load onto the page.

Does this script skip videos?

Yes and no. It depends on the class. Edgenuity videos are very inconsistent so sometimes it may not skip at all and you will have to watch the video, but other times, it can complete instructions in seconds. Another case of video skipping is that Frame Advance allows you to shave 8 seconds off each video.

Disclaimer โš ๏ธ

Edgesploit is intended for demonstration purposes only. Therefore, by using it, you accept full responsibility for your actions and any repercussions that may result from your use of Edgesploit. Edgesploit's developers or distributors are not accountable for any damages, losses, or legal concerns that may arise as a consequence of its usage. Edgesploit is to be used at your own risk. The tool should only be used legally and responsibly, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Academic integrity violations may result in serious consequences, such as academic penalties, legal action, and damage to one's reputation. Edgesploit is provided "as is," with no explicit or implied guarantees. Edgesploit's developers or distributors make no claims or warranties about its operation or reliability for any given use. By using Edgesploit, you agree to the following conditions of use and acknowledge the importance of integrity and legal compliance in all of your actions.

