aljanabim / vcalc

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vCalc - Vector calculus calculator

by Mustafa Al-Janabi

Go package to calculate the following:

  • Gradient of scalar field
  • Divergence and rotation of vector field


Once you have installed Go, run this command to install the vcalc package:

go get


The package is used by defining a new scalar- or a vector field. Definig a field requires a mathematical expression as well as a coordinate system. The gradient is then calcualted for scalar fields by entering a point in the assigned coordinates system to the method Grad. Using the methods Div and Rot with a point in the assigned coordinate system the divergence and rotation are calculated for a vector field.

How to define a scalar field?

To define a new scalar field you use the function NewScalarField. You enter the expression of your scalar field and the coordinate system as arguments.


How to define a vector field?

To define a new vector field you use the function NewVectorField. You enter the expression of each axis of the vector field as well as the coordinate system as inputs.


How to write an EXPRESSION?

You enter an expression as a string. The expression string should follow the following pattern



Expression parts Possible string values
[OPR] "", "+", "-", "*" or "/"
[FUNC] "", "sin", "cos", "tan", "exp" or "sqrt"
[COORD] "", "x", "y" or "z" for cartesian coordinates
"", "r", "phi" or "z" for cylinder coordinates
"", "r", "theta" or "phi" for spherical coordinates
a,b,c and d arbitrary positive integers as strings

Note that every part is optional and can be left empty to cover diverce mathematical expressions, however every coordinate has to be present in the expression.

For example


is valid. While


is invalid, because the y-coordinate is missing.

Note that multiplication and division are calculated first (from left to right), then addition and subtraction are calculated (from left to right) just like regular arithmetics

For example


is calculated the following order:

3*z -> (3*z)*(3*x) -> (3*z*3*x)/y -> 3*x^2 -> (3*z*3*x/y) + 3*x^2

Note that within the expresion within the parenthesis of [FUNC] can only contain a single [COORD]

For example


is valid, while


is invalid.


You enter a coordinate system as a string. The string should be

  • "car" for cartesian coordinates
  • "cyl" for cylinder coordinates
  • "sph" for spherical coordinates

How to calculate gradient, divergence and rotation

To calculate gradient you use the methods Grad on a scalar field at a specific point in the 3-dimensional space.

To calculate divergence and rotation you use the methods Div and Rot on a vector field.


	s := NewScalarField("3^5-7x^2-y+3cos(z^2)^2", "car")
	fmt.Println(s.Grad([]float64{4, 2, 7.2}))
	// Prints 
	// [-55.99999999994054 -1.0000000000331966 0.3215104938192326]
	s := NewScalarField("-3sin(2r^3)^5+phi*z^2", "cyl")
	fmt.Println(s.Grad([]float64{-1, 2, 0}))
	// Prints 
	// [25.604287369124233 -0 0]  
	v := NewVectorField("x^2+cos(7y)", "y^2", "3z^2", "car")
	fmt.Println(v.Div([]float64{-1, 2.76, 0}))
	// Prints 
	// 3.520000000012402 
	v := NewVectorField("3theta*5^2-r^2",
	fmt.Println(v.Rot([]float64{-11, 3.14, 2}))
	// Prints 
	// [303.38803709633146 -2.207322328156872e+07 1.0414537246060633]   


type scalarField

type vectorField

type scalarField

type scalarField {
	// contains the expression, point, coordinate system and precision

func NewScalarField

func NewScalarField(e, c string) scalarField

New creates a new scalar field with given expression and coordinate system

func (scalarField) Grad

func (s scalarField) Grad(c []float64) []float64

Grad calculates gradient of scalar field at given coordinates

type vectorField

type vectorField {
	// contains the expression of each coordiante, point, coordinate system and precision

func NewVectorField

func NewVectorField(e1,e2,e3, c string) vectorField

New creates a new scalar field with given expression and coordinate system

func (vectorField) Div

func (v vectorField) Div(c []float64) float64

Div calculates divergence of vector field at given coordinates

func (vectorField) Rot

func (v vectorField) Rot(c []float64) []float64

Rot calculates rotation/curl of vector field at given coordinates


  • The package has yet to support "pi" and floats in the expression.
  • Package has no complete expression check
  • Package needs to include Laplacian and vector laplacian

Mustafa Al-Janabi


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Go 100.0%