Configure your Alibaba Cloud credentials environment variables for use in other GitHub Actions. Environment variable exports are detected by both the Alibaba Cloud SDKs and the Alibaba Cloud CLI for API calls.
Optional: The ARN of OIDC provider. format: acs:ram::USER_Id:oidc-provider/PROVIDER_NAME
Optional: The ARN of role to assume. format: acs:ram::USER_Id:role/ROLE_NAME
Optional: The audience to use for the OIDC provider. default: github-actions
The alibaba cloud access key ID for the provided credentials.
The alibaba cloud access key secret for the provided credentials.
The alibaba cloud security token for the provided credentials.
uses: aliyun/configure-aliyun-credentials-action@v1
role-to-assume: 'acs:ram::USER_Id:role/ROLE_NAME'
oidc-provider-arn: 'acs:ram::USER_Id:oidc-provider/PROVIDER_NAME'
If you run your GitHub Actions in a self-hosted runner that already has configured with RAM role, such as ECS/ECI instance, then you do not need to provide any credentials to this action.
uses: aliyun/configure-aliyun-credentials-action@v1
When you want to assume resource specific RAM role, specify with role-to-assume
uses: aliyun/configure-aliyun-credentials-action@v1
role-to-assume: 'acs:ram::USER_Id:role/ROLENAME'
This code is made available under the MIT license.