aliuk2012 / correspondence_tool_staff

Correspondence Tool for staff

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Correspondence Tools - Staff

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A simple application to allow internal staff users to answer correspondence.


Working on the Code

Work should be based off of, and PRed to, the master branch. We use the GitHub PR approval process so once your PR is ready you'll need to have one person approve it, and the CI tests passing, before it can be merged. Feel free to use the issue tags on your PR to indicate if it is a WIP or if it is ready for reviewing.

Basic Setup

Cloning This Repository

Clone this repository then cd into the new directory

$ git clone
$ cd correspondence_tool_staff

Generating Documentation

You can generate documentation for the project with:

bundle exec yardoc

If you need to you can edit settings for Yard in Rakefile. The documentation is generated in the doc folder, to view it on OSX run:

open doc/index.html

Installing the app for development

You can either install the app in a docker container, or set it up natively on your mac. Instructions for both methods are given below.

Installing the app in a Docker container

Install Docker for Mac and then run this in the repository directory:

$ docker-compose up

This will build and run all the Docker containers locally and publish port 3000 from the web container locally. The application will be available on http://localhost:3000/

Editing source

You can edit the source files directly on your local machine - the repository directory is shared with the docker container.


Messages to the logs behave slightly differently than expected:

  • Any puts commands in the code will be output to the docker-compose window, but not to the log/development.log file.
  • Any|error|warn|debug commands in the code will be output to the log/development.log file and NOT to the docker-compose window.
  • The docker-compose logs command on the host machine will display the same output as for the docker-compose window.

Installing locally on a mac

Installing Dependencies

If you want to run the app natively on your mac, follow these instructions to install dependencies.

Installing Postgres 9.5.x

We use version 9.5.x of PostgreSQL to match what we have in the deployed environments. Also, because the structure.sql file generated by PostgreSQL can change with every different version postgres, all developers on the project should use the same version to prevent minor changes to the structure file on each commit.

There are two options for installing postgres:

  • The Postgres OS X application

    • Download the Postgres application from the App Store
    • Start the app, click the plus sign bottom left, and add a new server, specifying 9.5.
  • The Homebrew postgres 9.5 package Install the specific 9.5 version with homebrew

     $ brew install postgresql@9.5
Latest Version of Ruby

If you don't have rbenv already installed, install it as follows:

brew install rbenv
rebnv init

Use rbenv to install the latest version of ruby as defined in .ruby-version (make sure you are in the repo path):

$ rbenv install
$ rbenv init
$ rbenv rehash

Follow the instructions printed out from the rbenv init command and update your ~/.bash_profile file accordingly, then start a new terminal and navigate to the repo directory.

$ gem install bundler
Installing Latest XCode Stand-Alone Command-Line Tools

May be necessary to ensure that libraries are available for gems, for example Nokogiri can have problems with libiconv and libxml.

$ xcode-select --install
Browser testing

We use headless chrome for Capybara tests, which require JavaScript. You will need to install Chrome >= 59. Where we don't require JavaScript to test a feature we use Capybara's default driver RackTest which is ruby based and much faster as it does not require a server to be started.


To debug a spec that requires JavaScript, you need to set a environment variable called CHROME_DEBUG. It can be set to any value you like.


$ CHROME_DEBUG=1 bundle exec rspec

When you have set CHROME_DEBUG, you should notice chrome start up and appear on your taskbar/Docker. You can now click on chrome and watch it run through your tests. If you have a binding.pry in your tests the browser will stop at that point.

Database Setup

Run these rake tasks to prepare the database for local development.

$ rails db:create
$ rails db:reseed

The db:reseed rake task will:

  • clear the database by dropping all the tables and enum types
  • load the structure.sql
  • run all the data migrations

This will have the effect of setting up a standard set of teams, users, reports, correspondence types, etc. The db:reseed can be used at any point you want reset the database without having to close down all clients using the database.

Creating individual test correspondence items

Individual correspondence items can be quickly created by logging in as David Attenborough, and using the admin tab to create any kind of case in any state.

Creating bulk test correspondence items

To create 200 cases in various states with various responders for search testing, you can use the following rake task:

rake seed:search:data

Additional Setup


Libreoffice is used to convert documents to PDF's so that they can be viewed in a browser. In production environments, the installation of libreoffice is taken care of during the build of the docker container (see the Dockerfile).

In localhost dev testing environments, libreoffice needs to be installed using homebrew, and then the following shell script needs to created with the name /usr/local/bin/soffice:

cd /Applications/ && ./soffice $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

The above script is needed by the libreconv gem to do the conversion.

BrowserSync Setup

BrowserSync is setup and configured for local development using the BrowserSync Rails gem. BrowserSync helps us test across different browsers and devices and sync the various actions that take place.


Node.js: Install using brew install node and then check its installed using node -v and npm -v

Installing and running:

Bundle install as normal then After bundle install:

bundle exec rails generate browser_sync_rails:install

This will use Node.js npm (Node Package Manager(i.e similar to Bundle or Pythons PIP)) to install BrowserSync and this command is only required once. If you run into problems with your setup visit the Gems README.

To run BrowserSync start your rails server as normal then in a separate terminal window run the following rake task:

bundle exec rails browser_sync:start

You should see the following output:

browser-sync start --proxy localhost:3000 --files 'app/assets, app/views'
[Browsersync] Proxying: http://localhost:3000
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
       Local: http://localhost:3001
          UI: http://localhost:3002
 UI External:
[Browsersync] Watching files...

Open any number of browsers and use either the local or external address and your browser windows should be sync. If you make any changes to assets or views then all the browsers should automatically update and sync.

The UI URL are there if you would like to tweak the BrowserSync server and configure it further


Emails are sent using the GOVUK Notify service. Configuration relies on an API key which is not stored with the project, as even the test API key can be used to access account information. To do local testing you need to have an account that is attached to the "Track a query" service, and a "Team and whitelist" API key generated from the GOVUK Notify service website. See the instructions in the .env.example file for how to setup the correct environment variable to override the govuk_notify_api_key setting.

The urls generated in the mail use the cts_email_host and cts_mail_port configuration variables from the settings.yml. These can be overridden by setting the appropriate environment variables, e.g.

$ export SETTINGS__CTS_EMAIL_HOST=localhost


Responses and other case attachments are uploaded directly to S3 before being submitted to the application to be added to the case. Each deployed environment has the permissions is needs to access the uploads bucket for that environment. In local development, uploads are place in the correspondence-staff-case-uploads-testing bucket.

You'll need to provide access credentials to the aws-sdk gems to access it, there are two ways of doing this:

Using credentials attached to your IAM account

If you have an MoJ account in AWS IAM, you can configure the aws-sdk with your access and secret key by placing them in the [default] section in .aws/credentials:

  1. Retrieve you keys from your IAM account1 if you don't have them already.
  2. Place them in ~/.aws/credentals

When using Docker Compose your ~/.aws will be mounted onto the containers so that they can use your local credentials transparently.

Using shared credentials

Alternatively, if you don't have an AWS account with access to that bucket, you can get access by using an access and secret key specifically generated for testing:

  1. Retrieve the 'Case Testing Uploads S3 Bucket' key from the Correspondence group in Rattic.
  2. Use environment variables to configure the AWS SDK locally.


1: When following these instructions, I had to replace step 3 (Continue to Security Credentials) with clicking on Users on the left, selecting my account from the list there, and then clicking on "Security Credentials".

Dumping the database

We have functionality to create an anonymised copy of the production or staging database. This feature is to be used as a very last resort. If the copy of the database is needed for debugging please consider the following options first:

  • seeing if the issue is covered in the feature tests
  • trying to track the issue through Kibana
  • recreating the issue locally

If the options above do not solve the issue you by create an anonymised dump of the database by running

rake db:dump:prod[host]

there are also options to create an anonymised version of the local database

rake db:dump:local[filename,anon]

or a standard copy

rake db:dump:local[filename,clear]

For more help with the data dump tasks run:

rake db:dump:help


The papertrail gem is used as an auditing tool, keeping the old copies of records every time they are changed. There are a couple of complexities in using this tool which are described below:

JSONB fields on the database

The default serializer does not de-serialize the properties column correctly because internally it is held as JSON, and papertrail serializes the object in YAML. The custom serializer CtsPapertrailSerializer takes care of this and reconstitutes the JSON fields correctly. See /spec/lib/papertrail_spec.rb for examples of how to reify a previous version, or get a hash of field values for the previous version.


Testing in Parallel

This project includes the parallel_tests gem which enables multiple CPUs to be used during testing in order to speed up execution.

To set up parallel testing
  1. Create the required number of extra test databases:
rails parallel:create
  1. Load the schema into all of the extra test databases:
rails parallel:load_structure
To run all the tests in parallel
rails parallel:spec
To run only feature tests in parallel
rails parallel:spec:features
To run only the non-feature tests in parallel
rails parallel:spec:non_features

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is carried out by SemaphoreCI.

Smoke Tests

The smoke test runs through the process of signing into the service using a dedicated user account setup as Disclosure BMT team member. It checks that sign in was successful and then randomly views one case in the case list view.

To run the smoke test, set the following environment variables:

SETTINGS__SMOKE_TESTS__USERNAME    # the email address to use for smoke tests
SETTINGS__SMOKE_TESTS__PASSWORD    # The password for the smoketest email account

and then run

bundle exec rails smoke



Docker images are built from a single Dockerfile which uses build arguments to control aspects of the build. The available build arguments are:

  • development_mode enable by setting to a non-nil value/empty string to install gems form the test and development groups in the Gemfile. Used when building with docker-compose to build development versions of the images for local development.

  • additional_packages set to the list of additional packages to install with apt-get. Used by the build system to add packages to the uploads container:

        clamav clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam libreoffice

    These are required to scan the uploaded files for viruses (clamav & Co.) and to generate a PDF preview (libreoffice).

Guide to our deploy process

For our deploy process please see the our confluence page

Case Journey

  1. unassigned
    A new case entered by a DACU user is created in this state. It is in this state very briefly before it the user assigns it to a team on the next screen.

  2. awaiting_responder
    The new case has been assigned to a business unit for response.

  3. drafting
    A kilo in the responding business unit has accepted the case.

  4. pending_dacu_clearance For cases that have an approver assignment with DACU Disclosure, as soon as a response file is uploaded, the case will transition to pending_dacu disclosure. The DACU disclosure team can either clear the case, in which case it goes forward to awaiting dispatch, or request changes, in which case it goes back to drafting.

  5. awaiting_dispatch
    The Kilo has uploaded at least one response document.

  6. responded
    The kilo has marked the response as sent.

  7. closed
    The kilo has marked the case as closed.


Correspondence Tool for staff

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 93.2%Language:HTML 4.9%Language:JavaScript 0.9%Language:CSS 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%