alistairholt / semaphore-demo-monorepo

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Semaphore demo CI pipeline for Monorepo projects

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Example application and continuous integration (CI) pipeline showing how to run a Monorepo project on Semaphore.

CI on Semaphore

Fork this repository and use it to create your own project on Semaphore.

The CI pipeline will look like this:

The example pipeline contains 3 blocks.

  1. A block that builds an Elixir based UI/Web application.
  2. A block that builds a Ruby based Account management service.
  3. A block that builds a Go based Billing system.

Blocks are executed only if there are changes in the particular services.

Read more about monorepo support on Semaphore.

Running the services

After building each service, you may start all of them with: ./


Copyright (c) 2021 Rendered Text

Distributed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.



Language:Elixir 69.0%Language:Go 21.6%Language:Ruby 8.1%Language:Shell 1.2%