alistaircol / alistaircol

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Hello đź‘‹

I am a full stack software engineer

I specialise in server-side development. I like cloud native tech and to automate everything possible.

  • Full stack software engineer, strong in PHP with Laravel. TDD all the way.
  • I'm also very interested in DevOps and automation - self-host a bunch of services.
    • Comfortable with docker, terraform and ansible.
  • I am always keen to learn, sometimes I write about my journey in learning new things. You can see recent posts below or everything at my technical blog.

GitHub Stats


I have exposure and experience with the following concepts, methodologies, technologies, and frameworks:

See Skills Tree

You can see the repository for rationale and notes on generation.



Use git feature to 'hide' local changes of a Dockerfile which installs xdebug

Use git update-index --assume-unchanged to remove local changes of a Dockerfile from the staging area in a repository, and use (an ignored) docker-compose.override.yml to configure xdebug.

docker xdebug git 

Basic Cognito user pool with login/logout integration in Laravel, with users/system clients

A relatively basic Laravel integration with an Amazon Cognito user pool with two clients. The first client for web users will be used to initiate (from Laravel) login/logout on Cognito’s hosted UI with email/password. The second client will be for system users, which will generate tokens with email/password through API instead of hosted UI. Finally, a simple console command to decode/verify web and system users’ JTWs from the user pool’s JWKS.

laravel cognito terraform 

Adding asynchronous search to a hugo blog

Learn how to add asynchronous search to a hugo blog with alpine.js and fuse.

hugo alpine fuse 

Create a GitHub workflow to run PHP linters, tests, and generate coverage report

Create and configure a GitHub workflow to run PHP QA tools (e.g. phplint, phpcs), and then run unit and feature tests (e.g. php artisan test, phpunit), and finally generate a code coverage report or some other artifact.

laravel github phpunit 

Send a templated WhatsApp message through Twilio in Laravel

Send a message template containing emoji from Twilio in Laravel.

laravel whatsapp twilio 

Consume raw SQS messages from another application with Laravel's queue

Easily consume arbitrary raw AWS SQS messages produced by another application in your Laravel application’s queue with a Job and queue configuration.

laravel aws sqs 

You can read more of my articles here
