alinamarasca / web-apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Apps

client/server diagram


Learning Objectives

  • πŸ₯š HTTP: You can explain these basic notions of the HTTP protocol, the main verbs, headers, ...
  • πŸ₯š Client/Server Architecture: You can draw a diagram of your project explaining how the front- and back-ends connect, and can generalize this idea to any web app they use.
  • πŸ₯š Persistence: You can explain what persistence is and how it is used in the backend of a web app. You can implement persistence using the backend's file system.
  • πŸ₯š Postman: You can use Postman to test and inspect HTTP request/response cycles.
  • πŸ₯š VSCode Debugger: You can use breakpoints to pause and step through a Node.js scripts and APIs using the VSCode debugger.
  • πŸ₯š Promisification: You can convert built-in node modules from consuming callbacks being async functions.
  • πŸ₯š NPM Modules: You can find, install, require and use an NPM module in your projects
  • πŸ₯š Function Roles: You can explain and apply these 4 function roles in your backend code:
    • controllers: like event handlers, but for HTTP requests. (like event handlers in the frontend)
    • middleware: do things with a request before it is handled. (no frontend analogy)
    • data access: read/write from your data source and return the prepared data, in this module the data source is the file system. (like api calls in the frontend)
    • logic: pure functions that transform data and have unit tests. (same as for the frontend)
    • utils: functions with side-effects that do one helpful thing. (like procedures in the frontend)
  • πŸ₯š Express.js: You can ...
    • listen a new server
    • use middleware
    • .get, .post, .put, .delete
    • route params
    • request body
    • send response
    • Express Router
    • static serving
  • πŸ₯š Entry Points: You can identify the entry points for your app:
    • Initialization: npm scripts, first file, configuration points, server listening
    • Request/Response Cycle: first middleware, logging, routes, error handling
  • πŸ₯š API Documentation: You can use JSDoc-style comments to document your API, and a documentation script to build API documentation
  • 🐣 File System: You can read, write and append to .txt files. You can can parse, manipulate and re-save data stored in a .json file using the built-in fs and util.promisify functions.
  • 🐣 Data Validation: You can validate data sent in a request to the backend before saving it to a .json file
  • 🐣 RESTful Routes: You can implement RESTful routes in Express.js, including using the correct app._ verbs.
  • 🐣 Authentication: You can explain the principles of authentication and can contribute to a group project that has basic authentication
  • 🐣 Authentication vs. Authorization: You can explain the difference and how it is implemented in your projects
  • 🐣 Environmental Variables: You can explain what an environmental variable is, what they're used for, and how they're configured
  • 🐣 Backend Configuration: You can use environmental variables to launch your backend in different modes
  • πŸ₯ Asynchronous Callbacks: You can read, trace and complete simple scripts that use callbacks to work with the file system
  • πŸ₯ CI Deployment: You can set up a deployment for your web apps and connect it to your repository using a CI action so main/master is always deployed.
  • πŸ” CLI Apps: You can complete a simple CLI app that takes user input from the command line and accesses the file system
  • πŸ” node-fetch: You make API requests from the backend, and use the data in your web apps
  • πŸ” Testing Routes: You can explain how tests for API routes work, and can write routes that pass given tests. You can also write tests for a route that already exists.


Suggested Study

References and Practice to help you master this module.


Class Recordings

HTTP Statuses


Debugging Node in VSCode

Postman - use your APIs without a frontend


About Servers


Best Practices

Examples and Exercises

  • 🐣 /using-express: examples and exercises covering how to use express to build a web app.
  • **[/reverse-engineer'](./reverse-engineer)**: projects with a demo.min.js` file to reverse-engineer
    • 🐣 /textidor-series
    • πŸ₯ /cowsaydex
  • πŸ₯šπŸ£πŸ₯πŸ” /example-apps: a variety of projects to study, some are simple and some are advanced. Enjoy!
  • πŸ” `/node-fetchemon'
  • πŸ” node-practice-replace (separate repo)
  • πŸ” pokedex-api (separate repo)
  • πŸ” diy-wiki (separate repo)


Directly from GitHub

From Terminal

From Founders and Coders

Founders and Coders is another open-source course in web development. They have some great resources for learning Node, Express and Web Apps


Week 1

  • Developing an Express API with RESTful routes
  • Persisting API data to the file system using a .json file

Before Class

Lesson Plan

Before Break

  • What are servers? What's a server-client architecture?
  • What is NodeJS?
  • How can we use the Expressjs library to build servers on NodeJs?
  • What's the difference between static and dynamic data?
  • How can we serve simple static data? (route params, query params, static-server)
  • HTTP Methods (Verbs)

After Break

  • Walkthrough of a starter-project where one path has been fully implemented
  • Class project: implement the missing path

After Class

No project! There's enough to study without one ;)

If you want to begin preparing for the group project in Week 3 you can begin experimenting with the Web Apps Starter Repo


Week 2

  • HTTP Status Codes
  • POST Requests and the Body
  • Using Postman
  • How do we store/load data (memory vs. file system)?
  • How do we separate our concerns? (multi-tier architecture)
  • Using middleware
    • Logging
    • Validation
    • Error Handler

Before Class

During Class

Before Break

After Break

After Class

Again, no project. Just more study and prep for next week.


Week 3

  • CORS
  • Authentication (BasicAuth, followed by Token-Based Auth, simple-password storage)
  • Authorization
  • Authentication vs. Authorization

Before Class

During Class

Before Break

Lecture on CORS and Authentication/Authorization.

After Break

After Class

Implement some form of authentification, preferably Basic Authentification in this project


Week 4

  • Token-based auth with hashed password storage
  • JWT - JSON Web Tokens (fancy authentication)

Before Class

code review

During Class

Before Break

After break

review common problems as a class

After Class

Practice Project

continue group project


Week 5

  • finish group project

Before Class

During Class

Before Break

code review

After break

review common problems as a class

After Class

Practice Project

continue group project


Class Recordings

  • Students: Here you can find recordings of this module from past classes. Enjoy!
  • Coaches: When sending your PR's with links please ...
    • Indicate which class you were teaching
    • Which week it was (if the module is more than 1 week)
    • Give your name
    • and a helpful description
Class 7-8

Shaun, Evan

  1. week 1:
  2. week 2:
  3. week 3:
  4. week 4

Class 9-10


  1. Week 1
    1. Node.js 101 & Client/Server
    2. CLI Input with process.argv
    3. assert & fs part 1
    4. fs part 2
    5. Entries Manager part 1
    6. Entries Manager part 2 & Project Intro
  2. Week 2
    1. Static & Dynamic Data
    2. Express: Params, Body, Queries ...
    3. ... Params, Body, Queries
    4. Texidor
    5. Texidor Recap & DIY Wiki
  3. Week 3
  4. Week 4:

Class 11-12

Shaun, Andrej, Hazem

  1. Week 1: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
  2. Week 2: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
  3. Week 3: Refactoring pt. 1, Refactoring pt. 2, middleware & error handling, homework
  4. Week 4: JSON Schemas, Schema Validation, t4v validation library, conclusion

Class 13-14

Shaun, Yoshi

  1. Week 1:
    1. Node, NPM, Packages
    2. Express, localhost, Request/Response
    3. Dynamic data, File System, Postman
    4. Routing and Parameters, Persistence, Multi-Tier architecture
    5. Slack clone part 1
    6. Slack clone part 2
    7. Monday review session
  2. Week 2:
  3. Week 3:
  4. Week 4
  5. Week 5


License:MIT License


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