aligusnet / cheasle

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Stronly-typed mini language built using RE-flex, bison, and llvm.


Fibonacci Sequence

def fibonacci(n: int): int {
  if n == 0 {
  } else {
    if n == 1 {
    } else {
      fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
printf("%d\n", fibonacci(21) );

Square root

def mySqrt(n: double) : double {
  def average(a: double, b: double) : double { (a+b)/2; }
  const eps: double = 0.0001;
  let e: double = 1;
  let t: double = n;
  while |t - e| > eps {
    t = n / e;
    e = average(e, t);
const arg: double = 171;
printf("%f\n", mySqrt(arg) - sqrt(arg) );

Logical expressions

def within1(begin: double, end: double, value: double): bool {
  value >= begin and value < end;

def within2(begin: double, end: double, value: double): bool {
  not (value < begin or value >= end);

const begin: double = 5.0;
const end: double = 10.0;
const val: double = 7.0;

printf("%d\n", within1(begin, end, val) and within2(begin, end, val) );

Short language description

Data Types

  • bool: supported in equality, and logical expressions
  • int: supported in binary, unary, equality, and comparison expressions. Implicitly covertible into double.
  • double: supported in binary, unary, equality, and comparison expressions.
  • string: supported in functions only.


  • binary: +, -, *, /
  • unary: |n| - abs value, - - unary minus
  • equality: ==, !=
  • comparison: >, <, >=, <=
  • logical: and, or, not

Variable declarations

Variable can be declared as mutable using keyword let, e.g.:

lex x: int = 10;

or constant, using keyword const:

const x: int = 10;

Flow control

if expression

if boolean-expression {
} else {
  • if is an expression, not a statement, it returns value of executed branch, therefore, both branches must return values of the same type.

while expression

while boolean-expression {
  • while is an expression, not a statement, it returns value of latest executed expression in its body, if its body was never executed it returns a default value of type type of its body.

Block of expressions


A block of statements is defined using { and }, expressions in a block are separated by ;. The return value of a block is its latest executed expression. The latest statement defines a type of a block as well.

Bultin Functions

  • sqrt
  • log
  • exp
  • printf

User Defined Functions

def functionName(arg1: type, arg2: type, ...) : type {
  function body;
  • no return keyword, functions return latest executed instruction,
  • function declration is also a statemnt, its type is function, however, this type is not allowed to be returned from any other statemnts, like if, while, etc., therefore, functions are allowed at the beginning and in the middle of an expression block, but are not allowed as the last expression in the block.

Pre requirements


brew install bison
brew install llvm
export PATH="$(brew --prefix bison)/bin:$PATH"



Language:C++ 94.6%Language:Yacc 2.6%Language:Lex 1.7%Language:CMake 1.2%