alidabour / asynctask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


B. Non-Programming Task:

1-Write a bit about yourself and your knowledge, especially how it can contribute to the task at hand.

I am a recent college graduate from Computer Engineering - Shobra Faculty of Engineering.
I also have ~1 year of experience in Software Development.
I had finished Full Stack Web Developer and Android nanodegrees from the leading website

2-Do you have any dev ops / server administration experience? How good are you at securing a Linux server?

 No direct experience,I am comfortable working with Ubuntu,
 at Udacity I had finish course & project about Linux Servers. 
 Project description : 
 A baseline installation of Ubuntu Linux on a virtual machine to host a Flask web application.
 This includes the installation of updates, securing the system from a number of attack vectors 
 and installing/configuring web and database servers.

3-How much experience do you have with quality assurance/testing, especially in Python.

Recently, I have been reading about unit test, learned how to mock data for testing.

4-Have you had previous experience with asyncio?

No, Start reading about it for this task.

5-Do you have skills in data analytics/machine learning/etc? (If yes, please detail)

I have taken AI course at College, learned some algorithms, that is all.

6-Do you have any frontend skills? (If yes, please detail)

I can understand HTML,CSS, Javascript (Webgl,knockout) , 
But I don't invest in learning frontend skills, currently.

7-Do you have any experience in load testing and web performance monitoring? (request times etc) (If yes, please detail)

For this task I used "locust" to get some response time results,  It was my first time to use it.
(Test against localhost)


8-Do you have any experience with Gunicorn or NGINX? (If yes, please detail)

No, Start reading about it for this task.

9-How would you stress test your own app?

I think about run huge number of threads using any programming language or
search about Tool to do it for me.(This is my idea about "Stress test")

10-If you have anything else to tell us, please do.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the Python Developer role at your company.
I'm looking for opportunities to grow in my career.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Language:Python 100.0%