alicompiler / redux-pp

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reduxpp is library that help you with making new reducers and also help you making actions


before you install this library you need to install other libraries

npm install redux axios redux-promise-middleware --save

and then

npm install reduxpp --save


import promiseMiddleware from 'redux-promise-middleware';
import { wrapReducer, FetchArrayReducer } from "reduxpp";

const reducers = combineReducers({
    ItemReducer : wrapReducer(new FetchArrayReducer("Items"))           //DEFINING NEW REDUCER

const middleware = applyMiddleware(promiseMiddleware);   //Don't forget to apply redux-promise-middleware

const store = createStore(reducers , middleware);

//some where to dispatch an action with http request
import {GETAction} from "reduxpp"

const type = "Items";
const url = "...";
const data = {offset : 50};
const action = GETAction(action, url , data);


Reducer class

to initialize new instance of a Reducer you need to give its constructor three arguments

  • initial state : of type object
  • stateForAction : an array of type StateForAction
  • defaultState(optional) : of type StateForAction

example : create open/close reducer

import {Reducer} from "reduxpp"

const openCloseReducer = new Reducer({openState : false} , [
    new StateForActionFromObject("Open" , null , {openState : true}),
    new StateForActionFromObject("Close" , null , {openState : false}),


before we go more farther , we need to know all about StateForAction.

typically in a reducer you have switch statement on the type of supplied action to the reducer , like this

(state = {openState : false}, action) => {
        case "Open" : return {openState : true};
        case "Close" : return {openState: false};
        case "SomeOtherAction" : return {openState : action.payload.openState};
        default : return {openState : false};
//this that you typically have

that mean for each type of action you return a state , wether its direct state or from payload , so we provide two types of StateForAction

the first one is StateForActionFromObject , its constructor takes three arguments

  • type : of type string , defining the type of action , for example "Open" action

  • preHandler : we will get back to it later

  • newState : of type object , the state that you want to override the old state with , for example {openState: true}

    new StateForActionFromObject("Open" , null , {openState : true});

this code will be like this in a typical reducer

(state = {openState : false}, action) => {
        case "Open" : return {...state , openState : true};

the second one is StateForActionFromPayload , when you need to extract the new state from the payload this class what you looking for , its constructor takes three arguments

  • type : of type string , defining the type of action for example "Open" action
  • preHandler : we will get back to it later
  • newStateHandler : a callback that will receive payload and currentState and should return object


new StateForActionFromObject("SomeAction" , null , (payload , currentState) => {
return {openState : payload.openState};

this code will be like this in typical reducer

(state = {openState : false}, action) => {
    switch(action.type) {
        case "SomeAction" : return {...state , openState : action.payload.openState};

PreHandle & PreHandleResult

StateForAction classes take preHandle callback that return PreHandleResult , the purpose of this callback is to do something before returning the newState , preHandle callback will receive three parameters

  • payload : the payload of the action
  • currentState : the current state of the reducer
  • defaultState : the defaultState of the reducer

the callback should return PreHandleResult object , which contains only two properties

  • result : of type object
  • stopHandling : of type boolean

when the value of stopHandling is true , the new state will be extracted by overriding result property with old state

if you don't want this just put null instead of the callback

Predefined Reducers

  • FetchArrayReducer : when your api return json array this reducer will be what you looking for , its constructor takes four arguments

    • type : of type string , defining the type of the action
    • fulfilledStateHandler(optional) : a callback that you can define to change the default behavior to extract new state when the http request fulfilled with the response , it receive the current state , and the response of the request
    • keepStateOnLoad(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request begin sending
    • keepStateOnError(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request fails

    your state will be like this :

          loading : `boolean`,
          error : `boolean`,
          array : `array` // your json response
  • FetchObjectReducer : when your api return json object this reducer will be what you looking for , its constructor takes four arguments

    • type : of type string , defining the type of the action
    • fulfilledStateHandler(optional) : a callback that you can define to change the default behavior to extract new state when the http request fulfilled with the response , it receive the current state , and the response of the request
    • keepStateOnLoad(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request begin sending
    • keepStateOnError(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request fails

    your state will be like this :

          loading : `boolean`,
          error : `boolean`,
          object : `object` // your json response
  • SuccessStateReducer : when your api return json object that have success property and optional message property this reducer will be what you looking for , its constructor takes four arguments

    • type : of type string , defining the type of the action
    • keepStateOnLoad(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request begin sending
    • keepStateOnError(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request fails

    your state will be like this :

          loading : `boolean`,
          error : `boolean`,
          success : `boolean` ,
          success : `boolean` ,
          message : `string`
  • FetchInfiniteArrayReducer : its like FetchArrayReducer but when the request fulfilled the array will be merged with previous array

    • type : of type string , defining the type of the action
    • keepStateOnLoad(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request begin sending
    • keepStateOnError(optional) : of type boolean , indicate should the state remain when request fails

    your state will be like this :

          loading : `boolean`,
          error : `boolean`,
          array : `array` // your json response + previous array


  • GETAction : function that will return action object to send http GET request , it takes four arguments

    • type : string
    • url : string
    • data : object
    • options : AxiosRequestConfig , to add some options to the request
  • POSTAction : function that will return action object to send http POST request , it takes four arguments

    • type : string
    • url : string
    • data : object
    • options : AxiosRequestConfig , to add some options to the request
  • resetAction : use this function to make action that reset the state of http reducer , it takes only one argument

    • type : string
  • addItemToStart : function that make action to add item item at the start of array , it takes

    • type : string
    • item : any
  • addItemToLast : function that make action to add item item at the end of array , it takes

    • type : string
    • item : any
  • addItemAtIndex : function that make action to add item item at an index , it takes

    • type : string
    • index : number
    • item : any
  • removeItemAtIndex : function that make action to remove item item at an index , it takes

    • type : string
    • index : number

Configure The Store

first , you need to add redux-promise-middleware when you create your store

import promiseMiddleware from 'redux-promise-middleware';
const middleware = applyMiddleware(promiseMiddleware);

second , to define a reducer you need to use wrapReducer , like this

import { wrapReducer, FetchArrayReducer } from "reduxpp";
const reducers = combineReducers({
    ItemReducer : wrapReducer(new FetchArrayReducer("Items"))

then , create your store

const store = createStore(reducers , middleware);


  • without react , checkout src/example.ts file

      git clone
      cd redux-pp
      npm install 
      npm test
      npm start
  • with react , checkout this repo



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