aliaspooryorik / hyper


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Available on ForgeBox Tested With TestBox

Compatible with ColdFusion 11 Compatible with ColdFusion 2016 Compatible with Lucee 5

Master Branch Build Status



Hyper was built after coding several API SDK's for various platforms — S3SDK, cbstripe, and cbgithub, to name a few. I noticed that I spent a lot of time setting up the plumbing for the requests and a wrapper around cfhttp. Each implementation was mostly the same but slightly different. It was additionally frustrating because I really only needed to tweak a few values, usually just the Authorization header. It would be nice to create an HTTP client pre-configured for each of these SDK's. It seemed the perfect fit for a module.

The problem it solves

Hyper exists to provide a fluent builder experience for HTTP requests and responses. It also provides a powerful way to create clients, i.e. Builder objects with pre-configured defaults like a base URL or certain headers.


Hyper runs on Adobe ColdFusion 11+ and Lucee 5+.

ColdBox is not required, but mappings are provided for ColdBox users automatically.

Upgrade from v3

The only changes between v3 and v4 is with the getQueryParams and setQueryParams methods. These now are represented internally as an array of structs to support duplicate keys in query strings. You probably want the getQueryParamByName and getAllQueryParamsByName instead of getQueryParams and withQueryParams or appendQueryParams methods instead of setQueryParams.

One more item of note, the getQueryParam method has been deprecated in favor of getQueryParamByName.


The component you will most likely inject is the HyperBuilder. This is commonly aliased as hyper.

component {
    property name="hyper" inject="HyperBuilder@Hyper";

The HyperBuilder creates new requests. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Calling the new method will create a new request with the configured defaults.
  2. Calling any method on HyperRequest on the HyperBuilder instance will create a new request and forward on the method call.

Using the HyperBuilder lets you easily create requests with defaults while also avoiding having to deal with providers directly.


Though the HyperBuilder is the component you will most likely inject, HyperRequest is the component will you interact with the most. HyperRequest provides a fluent interface to configure your HTTP call.


hyper.get( "https//" );

hyper.setMethod( "PUT" )
    .withHeaders( { "Authorization" = "Bearer #token#" } )
    .setUrl( "" )
    .setBody( {
        title: "New Title"
    } )

Request Execution


Execute a GET request.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
queryParams struct false null An optional struct of query parameters to set for the request.

Execute a GET request asynchronously. Returns a ColdBox Future that returns a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
queryParams struct false null An optional struct of query parameters to set for the request.

Execute a POST request.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a POST request asynchronously. Returns a ColdBox Future that returns a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a PUT request.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a PUT request asynchronously. Returns a ColdBox Future that returns a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a PATCH request.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a PATCH request asynchronously. Returns a ColdBox Future that returns a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a DELETE request.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Execute a DELETE request asynchronously. Returns a ColdBox Future that returns a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
url string false null An optional URL to set for the request.
body struct false null An optional body to set for the request.

Send the HTTP request and return a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Send the HTTP request asynchronously and return a ColdBox Future that will resolve to a HyperResponse.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Request Properties


Gets the unique request ID representing this request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the full URL for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
withQueryString boolean false false Includes the configured query string with the full URL

Gets the base URL for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the base URL for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The base URL for the request, e.g.

Gets the URL for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the URL for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The URL for the request. It can either be a full url or a URI resource for use with the baseURL. e.g. /repos.

Sets the resolveURL parameter for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value boolean false false Resolves URLs in the response body to absolute URLs, including the port number

Gets the HTTP method for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the HTTP method for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The HTTP method for the request.

Sets the username and password for HTTP Basic Auth.

Name Type Required Default Description
username string true The username for the basic auth.
password string true The password for the basic auth.

Sets the username and password for HTTP Basic Auth.

Name Type Required Default Description
certificatePath string true The mapped path to the certificate used to authenticate.
password string false The optional password used to decrypt the certificate.

Sets the username, password, domain and workstation for NTLM Auth.

Name Type Required Default Description
username string true The username for the NTLM auth.
password string true The password for the NTLM auth.
domain string true The domain for the NTLM auth.
workstation string true The workstation for the NTLM auth.

Workstation can be obtained with createObject('java','').getLocalHost().getHostName()


Schedules a callback to be ran when executing the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
callback function true The callback to run when executing the request.

Returns: the HyperRequest instance


Schedules a callback to be ran when receiving the response.

Name Type Required Default Description
callback function true The callback to run when receiving the response.

Returns: the HyperRequest instance


Gets the username for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the username for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The username for the request.

Gets the password for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the password for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The password for the request.

Gets the timeout for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the timeout for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value string true The timeout for the request.

A convenience method to not follow any redirects.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

A convenience method to not encode the url. WARNING: Not supported on Adobe engines.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the maximum number of redirects to follow.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the maximum number of redirects to follow. A value of * will follow redirects infinitely.

Name Type Required Default Description
value any true The maximum number of redirects to follow.

Gets the body for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the body for the request. Complex values will be serialized before sending the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value any true The body for the request.

Gets the body format for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the body format for the request. Allowed values are either formFields or json. It is highly receommended to use asFormFields or asJson instead.

Name Type Required Default Description
value any true The body format for the request.

A convenience method to set the body format and Content-Type to json.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

A convenience method to set the body format and Content-Type to form fields.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the referrer for the request, if any.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the headers for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the headers for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
value struct true The headers for the request.

Set a header for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the header.
value string true The value of the header.

Add additional headers to the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
headers struct true A struct of headers to add to the request.

Adds specified headers to the request if they exist. Usually used in conjunction with the current CFML request headers.

Name Type Required Default Description
names array true An array of header names to add to the request if they exist in the headers struct.
headers struct false getHTTPRequestData( false ).headers A struct of headers to inspect.

Check if the request has a header with the given name.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the header to check.

A convenience method to set the Content-Type header.

Name Type Required Default Description
type string true The Content-Type value for the request

A convenience method to set the Accept header.

Name Type Required Default Description
type string true The Accept value for the request

Gets the query parameters for the request.

This method returns an array of param structs that is used under the hood by Hyper. You probably want to use getQueryParamByName or getAllQueryParamsByName instead.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Sets the query parameters for the request.

This method accepts an array of param structs that is used under the hood by Hyper. You probably want to use withQueryParams or appendQueryParams instead.

If needed, param structs have two keys, name and value.

Name Type Required Default Description
value array true The query parameters for the as an array of param structs.

DEPRECATED: Use getQueryParamByName Gets the first value for a certian query parameter. Returns an empty string if the query parameter does not exist.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter to retrieve the first value.

Gets the first value for a certian query parameter. Returns an empty string if the query parameter does not exist.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter to retrieve the first value.

Get all the values for a certian query parameter. Returns an empty array if the query parameter does not exist.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter to retrieve all of its values.

Set a query parameter for the request. Note: This removes all other query params with the same name.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter.
value string true The value of the query parameter.

Append a query parameter for the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter.
value string true The value of the query parameter.

Add additional query parameters to the request. Note: This will remove any values with duplicate keys prior to adding the new struct of params.

Name Type Required Default Description
queryParams struct true A struct of query parameters to add to the request.

Appends additional query parameters to the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
queryParams struct true A struct of query parameters to add to the request.

Check if the request has a query parameter with the given name.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the query parameter to check.

Attaches a file to the Hyper request. Also sets the Content-Type as multipart/form-data. Multiple files can be attached by calling attach multiple times before calling a send method.

Name Type Required Default Description
name string true The name of the file being uploaded.
path string true The absolute path to the file to be uploaded.
mimeType string false An optional mime type to associate with the file.

Sets the throw on error property for the request. If true, error codes and status will be turned in to exceptions.

Name Type Required Default Description
value boolean true The value of the throw on error flag.

A convenience method to throw on errors.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

A convenience method to not throw on errors.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Clones the current request into a new HyperRequest.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns: A new HyperRequest instance cloned from this one.


Quickly set many request properties using a struct. The key should be the name of one of the properties on the request, e.g. url, headers, method, body.

Name Type Required Default Description
properties struct true A struct of properties to set. Each property name will be set on the request. Properties that don't exist on the request will throw an error.

Sets the HTTP Client to use for the request. The client should conform to the HyperHttpClientInterface (though it does not need to use the implements keyword).

Name Type Required Default Description
httpClient HyperHttpClientInterface true The httpClient to use for the request.

ColdBox Interceptor Service to announce request and response interception points. A noop option is provided in the init for non-ColdBox settings.

Name Type Required Default Description
interceptorService any true The interceptor service to use for the request.

ColdBox AsyncManager to send requests asynchronously. A noop option is provided in the init for non-ColdBox settings.

Name Type Required Default Description
asyncManager any true The asyncManager to use for the request.


The HyperResponse component is a read-only wrapper to easily grab different information about the response.


Gets the unique response ID representing this response.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the status code for the response.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the data for the response.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the HyperRequest instance associated with this response.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the charset value for the response.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the timestamp for when this response was recieved.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Gets the execution time of the request.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns the data of the request as deserialized JSON.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is considered successful.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is 200 OK.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is considered a redirect.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is considered either a client error or a server error.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is considered a client error.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is 401 Unauthorized.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is 403 Forbidden.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is 404 Not Found.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Returns true if the request status code is considered a server error.

Name Type Required Default Description
No arguments

Request Defaults

Hyper allows you to configure defaults for your requests. This is particularly useful for reducing boilerplate in your application.

Defaults are set on the HyperBuilder instance. The easiest way to do this is to configure it in WireBox:

// config/WireBox.cfc
component {

    function configure() {
        map( "StarWarsClient" )
            .to( "hyper.models.HyperBuilder" )
                baseUrl = ""


Now, you can inject this pre-configured builder wherever you need in your application:

component {

    property name="StarWarsClient" inject="id";

    function findUser( id ) {
        return StarWarsClient.get( "/people/#id#" );


You can even create multiple clients using this approach:

// config/WireBox.cfc
component {

    function configure() {
        map( "SWAPIClient" )
            .to( "hyper.models.HyperBuilder" )
                baseUrl = ""

        map( "GitHubClient" )
            .to( "hyper.models.HyperBuilder" )
                baseUrl = "",
                headers = {
                    "Authorization" = getColdBox().getUtil().getSystemSetting( "SWAPI_TOKEN" )


You can also set or change the defaults by either passing the key / value pairs in to the init method or by calling the appropriate HyperRequest method on the HyperBuilder.defaults property.

var hyper = new Hyper.models.HyperBuilder(
    baseUrl = ""
hyper.defaults.withHeaders( { "Authorization" = token } );

The defaults set here need to match the property names on the HyperRequest. These are:

* The httpClient to use for the request
property name="httpClient";

* The baseURL for the request.
* e.g.
property name="baseUrl" default="";

* The URL for the request.
* It can either be a full url
* or a URI resource for use with the baseURL.
* e.g. /repos
property name="url" default="";

* Setting this to true will change all relative urls in the document to absolute.
property name="resolveUrls" default="false";

* Setting this to false will not automatically encode the url passed.
* WARNING: Setting this to false is not supported on Adobe engines.
property name="encodeUrl" default="true";

* The HTTP method for the request.
property name="method" default="GET";

* The username for the request for basic auth.
property name="username" default="";

* The password for the request for basic auth.
property name="password" default="";

* Timeout, in seconds, for the request.
property name="timeout" default="10";

* The maximum number of redirects to follow.
* A value of `*` will follow redirects infinitely.
property name="maximumRedirects" default="*";

* The body to send with the request.
* How the body is serialized is
* determined by the bodyFormat.
property name="body" default="";

* The format to serialize the body.
* e.g. `json` or `formFields`
property name="bodyFormat" default="json";

* The referring response in the case of redirects.
property name="referrer";

* A struct of headers for the request.
property name="headers";

* A struct of query parameters for the request.
property name="queryParams";

* Flag to throw on a cfhttp error.
property name="throwOnError" default="false";

* The full path to a PKCS12 format file that contains the client certificate for the request.
property name="clientCert";

* 	Password used to decrypt the client certificate.
property name="clientCertPassword";

* The domain for the request for NTLM auth.
property name="domain" default="";

* The workstation for the request for NTLM auth.
property name="workstation" default="";

* The authType for the request
property name="authType" default="BASIC";

* An array of callback functions to call
* before firing off a request.
property name="requestCallbacks" type="array";

* An array of callback functions to call
* after receiving a response.
property name="responseCallbacks" type="array";


Hyper announces two interception points you can listen to in your ColdBox applications: onHyperRequest and onHyperResponse.

onHyperRequest receives a struct with a request key as the data.

onHyperResponse receives a struct with a response key as the data.



License:MIT License


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