algoquant / awesome-kramdown

A collection of awesome kramdown goodies for the markdown converter made with ♥ in Vienna ;-)

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Awesome kramdown

A collection of awesome kramdown goodies for the markdown converter made with ♥ in Vienna ;-)

Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.

Headquarters (HQ)

a fast markdown converter in Ruby without any C extensions



Made By

Articles, Posts, etc.

Parsers & Extensions

kramdown-rfc2629 (gem: kramdown-rfc2629, github: cabo/kramdown-rfc2629) by Carsten Bormann et al

an RFC7749 (XML2RFC) generating backend for the kramdown markdown parser. Mostly useful for RFC writers.

govspeak (gem: govspeak, github: alphagov/govspeak) by Ben Griffiths, James Stewart et al

a set of extensions to markdown layered on top of the kramdown library for use in the UK Government Single Domain project

kramdown-man (gem: kramdown-man, github: postmodern/kramdown-man) by Hal Brodigan et al

a kramdown converter for converting markdown files into man pages

kramdown Facebook Instant Article Converter (github: contentful-labs/kramdown-instant-article) by Rouven Weßling et al

custom converter for kramdown to create markup optimized for Facebook Instant Articles.

Online (Live) Editors

kramdown-service (heroku app: trykramdown, gem: kramdown-service, github: writekit/kramdown-service)

simple online editor that lets you try the kramdown library converting markdown to HTML or LaTeX. The online app also includes a HTTP JSON API service (e.g. /markdown) for conversion. All is packed up in the kramdown-service gem for easy (re)use and as an extra bonus includes a binary, that is, kramup, that starts up the online editor and service on your local machine (e.g. use $ kramup). Supported conversion options/modes include:

  • HTML - kramdown in GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) Mode
  • HTML - kramdown in GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) Mode w/ Syntax Highlighter (rouge)
  • HTML - kramdown in "Classic" Mode
  • LaTeX - kramdown in GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) Mode

online-kramdown-sinatra (heroku app: kramdown, github: online-kramdown-sinatra) by Daniel Perez Alvarez et al

quick and dirty implementation of an online kramdown editor

This fork (github: arthurattwell/online-kramdown) by Arthur Attwell runs on Windows locally.

More Markdown Goodies

modern hypertext markup in easy-to-read and easy-to-write ye olde plain vanilla text

See the Awesome Markdown List @ Write Kit (github: writekit/awesome-markdown) ».



The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.


A collection of awesome kramdown goodies for the markdown converter made with ♥ in Vienna ;-)