alfredorueda / hibernateInheritance

Examples of persistence strategies for inheritance using JPA/hibernate

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Spring Data JPA (Hibernate) Inheritance Persistence

While learning Spring Data JPA, I ran into a problem trying to persist classes with multile inheritance. I found a reference ( that had four strategies to achieve this and have coded up some example for you to use and compare. This is basically a summary of what that article had to offer, but coded up

All examples are based on the following domain object inheritance: Employee and SelfEmployed classes both inherit from the Person class.

Strategy Description

Mapped Superclass

The method here is to persist each concrete class to its own table while using the @MappedSuperclass for the parent class.



  • Shared attributes amongst all child classes


  • You cannot have an entity with a bi-directional relationship with any superclass (only unidirectional from superclass to another entity)
  • You cannot persist superclasses

Table per class

Each concrete class still gets persisted to its own table - using the @Inheritance annotation with the InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS parameter achieves this.



  • Unlike the previous example, bi-directional relationships can be established with the parent class


  • Could lead to performance issues due to more complex queries that result from polymorphic queries

Single Table

In this case, the entire inheritance tree is persisted to a single table. Note that the site mentions that this approach is best suited for polymorphic queries (performance-wise), whereas the "table per class" approach is sited as the worst.

For Hibernate to know the object type it requires a "discriminator column". It gets defaulted to DTYPE should you not define one yourself in the superclass



  • Suited for inheritance: performance advantage over the single table strategy


  • Null values can be written to attributes that aren't common to all classes in your inheritance tree so you cannot introduce null constraints on the DB


A kind of combination between "single table" and "table per class" in that each entity gets persisted in its own class AND the superclass entity gets persisted as well

All common attributes get persisted with the superclass entity and the child class specific attributes to the individual tables - a join is required to consolidate all data associated with the child entities



  • Greater data integrity than the single table strategy as you can introduce null constraints on attributes


  • Performance knock when retrieving child entities due to required join

How to run

I have various tests that illustrate the concept in each branch. You will have to configure your own datasource should you wish to see physical tables (I used postgres for this purpose at some point) -- see com.modjadji.persistence.JPAConfig for the configuration.

In the project's root folder, run

"mvn test"



Examples of persistence strategies for inheritance using JPA/hibernate


Language:Java 100.0%