alfin1998 / alfin1998

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi there 👋

🌱 Web Development i can use:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP and + Framework: CI and Laravel
  • Javascript and + Framework: React.js, Vue.js and Adonis.Js

👯 Game Development i use engine:

  • Unity
  • Buildbox
  • Gamemaker Studio 2 Dekstop
  • RPG Maker 2003 until MV

🔭 Computer Vision(Image Processing and Video) i build using:

  • Visual Studio (C# and sometime using library EmguCV, Aforge, and Accord)
  • Python (OpenCV, Numpy, etc)

Thanks for visit :D

Contact: Discord => Mocha_no_Macha#5921
