alexvas / accounts

Backend Test project for Revolut

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Backend Test project for Revolut. Here is the task:

Backend Test

Design and implement a RESTful API (including data model and the backing implementation) for money transfers between accounts.

Explicit requirements:
  1. You can use Java or Kotlin.
  2. Keep it simple and to the point (e.g. no need to implement any authentication).
  3. Assume the API is invoked by multiple systems and services on behalf of end users.
  4. You can use frameworks/libraries if you like (​except Spring​), but don't forget about requirement #2 and keep it simple and avoid heavy frameworks.
  5. The datastore should run in-memory for the sake of this test.
  6. The final result should be executable as a standalone program (should not require a pre-installed container/server).
  7. Demonstrate with tests that the API works as expected.
Implicit requirements:
  1. The code produced by you is expected to be of high quality.
  2. There are no detailed requirements, use common sense.

Please put your work on github or bitbucket.

How to run backend

First, compile and test the project. From project dir run:

./gradlew test assemble

after that descend into app directory:

cd app

and start project with

../gradlew run

or even

../gradlew run --args='-h'

to see command-line options.

There would be a few bash commands in stdout to make API requests with a help of curl command-line utility.

How to run stress-tests

The same way as backend only (see above). Just execute cd white-box instead of cd app. Look into command-line options. I was able to initiate 25000 connections to the backend at once and got success as a result.


Since the transaction term has so much meanings, including money transfer itself, I would try to avoid using it as much as possible. Term money transfer is used the same way as in the initial home task description, i.e. as an action on the scenario level of interaction between end-users and backend. Term t9n is used to denote an entity, corresponding to a single money transfer either on a level of application's business logic or on the level of database storage. Term tx is used to denote a database transaction.

The problem

Database atomicity is not enough to perform money transfer between two accounts, as naive approach would lead into deadlock under heavy load. This faulty approach at the database level is the following:

  1. open tx
  2. lock a row in the accounts table corresponding to the sender's account
  3. decrement the account for amount of transfer
  4. lock a row in the accounts table corresponding to the recipient's account
  5. increment the account for amount of transfer
  6. close tx and release both locks

In the case the tx fails, both decrement and increment operations are cancelled as they did not happen. So the balance is not changed, which is a good thing. Bad thing happens in the case of simultaneous mutual txes. Suppose there are two mutual txes between Alice and Bob. One tx acquired a lock for the Alice's account as a sender and another tx acquired a lock for the Bob's account also as a sender. Then both will wait for the receiver lock mutually blocking each other. Here is a deadlock.

The solution to the problem is well-known nowadays. There must exist an ordering in the process of lock acquisition. Say, Alice's account is always locked first and Bob's is locked after that. It the case of two mutual txes one will acquire Alice's account lock and will finish. Another will wait until the Alice's account lock is free, then acquire it and will also finish.

This hometask is a bit more complex, as there is another entity -- t9n table, that needs being updated. End-users would like to know the state of their txes e.g. either it succeeded or failed and keep transfer list with their state for accounting or history purposes.

The implemented solution is to give up simultaneous update of all three entities: two rows in accounts table and one row in t9ns table. Let's split single money transfer action in stages and use additional tx states to ensure integrity of the process as a whole (see debitSender and creditRecipient operations on the database level). The order of lock acquisition is still important to avoid deadlocks.

The absence of deadlocks was tested here with concurrency as high as possible, yet this might not be enough, as deadlock is a probabilistic thing. It might become apparent in a very rare case, but nevertheless must be eliminated. One might need to use appropriate tools to eliminate deadlocks in a really complex system, like e.g. TLA+. Yet constructing TLA+ formula of money transfer is out of the scope of the task.


Failure is in the nature of network. There are some guarantees on http request delivery, yet it is not transactional per se. Both request and response might fail. The backend also might fail in between and end-user might never know for certain what was happen: either their request was successfully executed at the backend and he or she just did not get a report of success or their request failed at the start and no intended money transfer happened. The end-user may want to repeat a transfer action in the situation of failure, but what if primary request was successful? In that case end-user will pay double price.

To avoid situation of uncertainty, let's make money transfer idempotent. We'll use unique external id for that. In case backend will see the same external ID -- no need to bother. Let's return to the end-user result of the previous operation marked with the same external ID.


The project is small, yet decoupling is of paramount importance. Divide et impera. The project consists of 7 modules: common, dal, core, web, client, app and white-box. common contains data models and common interface definitions, all other modules depend on this one. dal, core, web and client depend only on common and are completely independent from each other. dal interacts with database. core contains business logic. web contains HTTP REST backend and client -- a client for that endpoint. app depends on all other modules except client and white-box, it runs backend server. white-box depends on all other modules except app, it runs white-box integration tests.


Backend Test project for Revolut


Language:Kotlin 97.2%Language:PLpgSQL 2.8%