alexunxus / DLSP_hw4_p4

DLSP homework 4 problem 4

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DLSP homework 4 problem 4


Basically you only have to run the shell script named by your last name on the corresponding machine and the data log will be collected in logs/.

$ chmod +x run_$YOURNAME$.sh

$ ./run_$YOURNAME$.sh
# training log is recorded in ./logs/

$ git add --all

$ git push -u origin master


ResNet 18 20 32 44 56
K80 Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex
P100 Kuo Kuo Kuo Lin Lin
V100 Josh Josh Josh Wu Wu

Basically Kuo and Lin have to use P100 to train the model; Josh and Wu have to use V100. I suggest using VertexAI workbench provided by GCP. The google cloud setup is provided in Google Cloud Setup.pdf

Keep your machine running even if your computer is disconnected

The VertexAI benchmark already provides screen. You can first create a screen by

$ screen -S NAME

. Afterward, running the bashscript and click Command+A+D simultaneously to exit this background program. If you want to step back to the background program, you can simply type

$ screen -r NAME

. And you can check out if your background program run smoothly or not.

Monitor the training progress

You can simply check logs/history___.json to see how many epoch is finished and the corresponding training loss and accuracy. If you want to add validation set to the training pipeline, you can simply add a validation data loader of CIFAR10 and pass it with argument valid_loader=valid_loader to the trainer class.


ResNet 18 20 32 44 56
K80 2051.968 2243.456 1430.912 1030.912 815.104
P100 6251.520 6480.512 4490.240 3759.488 2571.648
V100 9613.824 9321.600 6704.128 4259.712 4136.832


DLSP homework 4 problem 4


Language:Python 97.9%Language:Shell 2.1%