alexprice1 / raspberry-pi-node-setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Raspberry Pi Node Setup

Setup SD Card

  1. Install Raspbian on SD card.
  2. Insert SD card into raspberrypi

Setup Git Remote

  1. Startup raspberrypi, and ssh into it.
  2. Create user
useradd git
password git
  1. Login as 'git'
sudo su - git
  1. Create git, receive folder
mkdir receive.git && cd receive.git && git init --bare
  1. Create post-receive file
vi ~/receive.git/hooks/post-receive

# Create cloned folder
rm -rf ~/_source
mkdir ~/_source

# Checkout git repository to cloned folder
cd ~/source.git
GIT_WORK_TREE=~/_source git checkout -f
cd ~/_source
npm install
npm rebuild

#Stop the service
pm2 stop ~/source/server.js

#Move the cloned folder to master
rm -rf ~/source
mv ~/_source ~/source

# Run Forever
cd ~/source
NODE_ENV="production" PORT=80 pm2 start server.js
  1. Make file executable
chmod 0775 ~/source.git/hooks/post-receive

Install Node

  1. Download NVM and run the following:
nvm install v4.x.x
nvm alias default v4.x.x
  1. Install pm2
npm install -g pm2

Setup as remote server

In your local environment add it as a remote repository

git remote add pi git@(ip):receive.git

Then, you can do the normal git push pi master
