alexnd / adminko

Admin toolbar for Kohana3 based on Cmsko

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Adminko - Admin for Kohana

Admin tools for Kohana3. Depends on Cmsko.

There is development state. Some usage cases and design flow.


  • Cover the Cmsko
  • Extends base Controller
  • Inline cms fields in Views
  • Base ui widgets on Twitter Bootstrap, Tinymce
  • Javascript side based on JQuery
  • 'jsonable' mode
  • CRUD views
  • Admin toolbar view
  • Widgets for administration of: users (based on model from Kohana box) and content nodes (from Cmsko)

Module structure

  • - this file
  • init.php
  • config/adminko.php
  • classes/Adminko.php
  • classes/Adminko/.php
  • classes/Kohana/Adminko.php
  • classes/Kohana/Adminko/.php
  • classes/Kohana/Adminko/Controller/Admin.php
  • classes/Model/Adminko/Role.php
  • classes/Model/Adminko/User.php
  • views/adminko/button.php
  • views/adminko/edit.php
  • views/adminko/modal-container.php
  • views/adminko/modal-layout.php
  • media/js/adminko.js
  • media/css/adminko.css

How to use

  1. Set up both Adminko and Cmsko modules adding they as git submodules or just unpack archives in your modules dir.
  2. Extends User and Role models, and class Adminko, if necessary. Take a look to their code there first to make decision if this module meets your way :) A minimal path to solve our task - is use special role 'admin' defined in class Model_Adminko_Role. Than we just make query in User model to make comparison is user has this role. To change this behaviour in your way - you must as minimum extends class Adminko to write your own method check_user_admin()
  3. Place media/js/adminko.js in document root (you may walnt symlink it or make any proper mapping in your web server).
  4. Make copy of config/adminko.php to your application dir and make all proper settings.
  5. Include #basic-modal-content element in your page's DOM (or make the proper way to inject it at the page loading time):
    <div id="basic-modal-content" style="display:none"></div>
  6. Include adminko.js and adminko.css in your pages. For example, in this way:
    $this->view->scripts[] = '/js/adminko.js';
    $this->view->styles[] = '/js/adminko.js';
    You may use triggering technique, depending on user role is admin or not, as described below.
  7. In before() filter of your base controller class:
    // this is, for example, your admin role trigger implementation
    $this->admin_mode = ($this->logged_in && $this->current_user->is_admin);
    // make Adminko instance
    $this->admin = Adminko::instance(0);
  8. In actions, where admin functions should be:
    // set 'is admin' to view
    $this->view->set('admin_mode', $this->admin_mode);
    // set cms field (button appended or just content if not in admin role)
    $this->view->set('content', $this->admin->render_node('my_id', $this->admin_mode));
  9. In actions, where only content needed:
    // set some cms value using underlying Cmsko instance
    $this->view->set('content_js', Kohana_Adminko::$_cmsko->load('my_id_js'));


  1. Implementation the rest of things :)
  2. Switching 'edit mode' by cookie/session var (may be turned on|off by adding extra param 'editmode=1' in GET/COOKIE)
  3. Make a way to not depend of JQuery and Bootstrap


Admin toolbar for Kohana3 based on Cmsko


Language:PHP 65.1%Language:JavaScript 34.9%