alexmarqs / webscraper-greenhouse

πŸ€ Webscraper Green House API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Websraper Green House API

My wife is checking every week a specific website to check if certain candidatures are already available. This is a very manual and boring task, so I decided to automate it. I will be using a Cron Job to check every week if the candidatures are available, and if so, I will send an email to my wife. It will be running only for a few weeks, after that I will stop it.

API Endpoints

  • /api/cron/greenhouse - Web scraper to check if the Green House is already available, if so, it will send a notification. Pass a request parameter ?API_KEY=<your secret> to authenticate the request.


  • Node.js 18.x
  • Vercel account + package vercel installed globally
  • Postmark account

Tech Stack

  • Vercel - Serverless Functions
  • Cheerio - Web scraping (to parse HTML)
  • Vercel Cron Jobs - Cron jobs (alternatives: AWS CloudWatch Events, qstash, inngest, github actions, etc.)
  • Zod - Type validation for the environment variables
  • NodeMailer - Send emails
  • Postmark - Email service (in combination with NodeMailer)

Architecture Diagram

Architecture Diagram

Tecnical Notes

As you can see in the code I'm including as part of the lambda/function the notification mecanism. I'm creating the promises to send the email for each user, and then I'm using Promise.all to wait for all the promises to be resolved. This is because I want to send all the emails at the same time, and not one by one. What are the downsides of this approach? Let's see:

  • If one of the emails fails, all the emails will fail. I'm not handling this case, but I could do it quickly by using Promise.allSettled and then check if there is any email that failed and retry it;
  • If the number of users is too big the function will timeout or the third party email service will reject requests (due to some rate limits):
    • I could use dedicated queue system (like AWS SQS, Upstash QStash, ...) to send the emails in batches + retry the failed ones --> Event Driven Architecture!
    • I can send emails in batches (e.g. 10 emails per batch) and then wait for a few seconds before sending the next batch: I can do this by using Promise.all and then setTimeout to wait for a few seconds before sending the next batch. Or actually wait until it's the previous batch is resolved. To send emails in batch I can use some great packages like p-queue or p-limit;

Run Locally

vercel dev

To expose to the API locally to the outside world, you can use ngrok.

Deploy to production

vercel deploy --prod


πŸ€ Webscraper Green House API


Language:TypeScript 100.0%