Simple user registration service.
The backend was created using:
- ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs;
- MediarR;
- FluentValidation;
- Microsoft EF Core;
- Sqlite;
- xUnit for testing.
The frontend was created using:
- Angular 18;
- Angular Material;
- Karma for testing.
Open it in VS 2022 and run it by F5.
The path to the Api endpoint information is /swagger/
The Clent application is in the client
folder (the built-in VS template
could not create it, so the project is separate from the solution).
If there are some plans for modify the app, so, first, open console in the client
and run:
npm i
After installing the dependencies, run
ng serve
and open the application in the preferred browser Google Chrome.
After making changes to the application, we need to build it so that the latest changes are available for use.
ng build --configuration production
Run from console:
ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale
This command will update the translations.
Run from console:
ng test
All tests must be green.