alexknowshtml / postmark-approved-wordpress-plugin

A Wordpress Plugin that overrides wp_mail() to use Postmark for transactional email delivery

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=== Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin ===
Contributors: andy7629, alexknowshtml
Tags: postmark, email, smtp, notifications, wp_mail, wildbit
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: trunk

If you're still sending email with default SMTP, you're blind to delivery problems! This Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin enables WordPress blogs of any size to deliver and track WordPress notification emails reliably, with minimal setup time and zero maintenance.

== Description ==

If you're still sending email with default SMTP, you're blind to delivery problems! This Postmark Approved WordPress Plugin enables WordPress blogs of any size to deliver and track WordPress notification emails reliably, with minimal setup time and zero maintenance. No more SMTP errors or delivery problems with Postmark!

If you don't already have a free Postmark account, you can get one in minutes. Every account comes with 1000 free sends.

== Installation ==

1. Upload postmark directory to your /wp-content/plugins directory
2. Activate plugin in WordPress admin
3. In WordPress admin, go to Settings then Postmark. You will then want to insert your Postmark details. If you don't already have a Postmark account, get one at
4. Verify sending by entering a recipient email address you have access to and pressing the "Send Test Email" button.
5. Once verified, then check "Enable" to override wp_mail and send using Postmark instead.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is Postmark? =

Postmark is a hosted service that expertly handles all delivery of transactional webapp and web site email. This includes welcome emails, password resets, comment notifications, and more. If you've ever installed WordPress and had issues with PHP's mail() function not working right, or your WordPress install sends comment notifications or password resets to spam, Postmark makes all of these problems vanish in seconds. Without Postmark, you may not even know you're having delivery problems. Find out in seconds by installing and configuring this plugin.

= Will this plugin work with my WordPress site? =

The Postmark Approved WordPress plugin overrides any usage of the wp_mail() function. Because of this, if any 3rd party code or plugins send mail directly using the PHP mail function, or any other method, we cannot override it. Please contact the makers of any offending plugins and let them know that they should use wp_mail() instead of unsupported mailing funcitons.

= Does this cost me money? =

This Postmark plugin is 100% free. All new Postmark accounts include 1000 free email sends. Beyond your first 1000 email sends, they will cost only $1.50 per 1000 sends with no monthly commitments and no expirations.

We will send you multiple warnings as you approach running out of send credits, so you don't need to worry about paying for credits until you absolutely need them.

Sign up for your free Postmark account at and get started now.

= My emails are still not sending, or they are going to spam! HELP!? =

No worries, our expert team can help. Just send an email to or tweet @postmarkapp for help. Be sure to include as much detail as possible.

= Why should I trust you with my email sending? =

Because we've been in this business for many years. We’ve been running an email marketing service, Newsberry, for five years. Through trial and error we already know what it takes to manage a large volume of email. We handle things like whitelisting, ISP throttling, reverse DNS, feedback loops, content scanning, and delivery monitoring to ensure your emails get to the inbox.

We're hosted at Rackspace, where we’re able to offer both the physical (SAS70 data center) and environment security through a completely dedicated cluster of servers. Our servers utilize virtualization and high availability failover protection to properly handle outages and keep your data safe.

Most importantly, a great product requires great support and even better education. Our team is spread out across six time zones to offer fast support on everything from using Postmark to best practices on content and user engagement. A solid infrastructure only goes so far, that’s why improving our customer’s sending practices helps achieve incredible results

= Why aren't my HTML emails being sent? =

This plugin detects HTML by checking the headers sent by other WordPress plugins. If a "text/html" content type isn't set then this plugin won't send the HTML to Postmark to be sent out only the plain text version of the email.

== Screenshots ==

1. Postmark WP Plugin Settings screen.

== Changelog ==

= v1.5 = 
* Fix issue with new WordPress HTTP API Integration.

= v1.4 =
* New option to force emails to be sent as HTML. Previously just detected Content-Type.
* Now uses the WordPress HTTP API.

= v1.3 =
* Resolved error with handing arrays of recipients

= v1.2 =
* Arrays of recipients are now properly handled
* HTML emails and Text Emails are now handled by checking the headers of the emails sent, and sends via Postmark appropriately.
* Optional "Powered by Postmark" footer of sent emails. "Postmark solves your WordPress email problems. Send transactional email confidently using"
* Add license to README and PHP file

= v1.0.0 =
* First Public release.


A Wordpress Plugin that overrides wp_mail() to use Postmark for transactional email delivery


Language:PHP 100.0%