alexkhismatulin / react-title-config

Set document title based on current path and configuration schema

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jenkins change test


npm install react-title-config


import React from "react"
import TitleConfig from "react-title-config"

 // NOTE: it might be any router you want
import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom"

// your main page or whatever
import MainPage from "/pages/Main"

const config = [
    path: "/about",
    exact: true,
    skipPrefix: true,
    title: "About us",
    exact: true,
    path: ["/login", "/registration", "/reset-password"],
    title: "User actions",
    path: /^\/accounts\/[A-Za-z0-9]+/i,
    title: "Account page",
    path: pathname => pathname.length === "42",
    title: (params, descriptor, extras) => {
      const tab =

      switch (tab) {
        case "one": return "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
        case "two": return "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"
        case "three": return "Life, the Universe and Everything"
        case "four": return "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish"
        case "five": return "\tMostly Harmless"
        default: return "Not sure about this one"

const defaultTitle = "No matches"
const titlePrefix = "Prefixed. "

const App = () => (
        customProperty="All extra props will be passed to title functtion as second parameter"


config (required) : Array

An array of title descriptors

defaultTitle : String | default: ''

This title will be set in case there's no matches

prefix : String | default: ''

A static string prefixing each title without skipPrefix: true

Config Descriptor

path (required) : String | RegExp | PathFunction | Array<string | RegExp | PathFunction>

A path to match with current pathname.

PathFunction accepts current pathname as parameter and returns whether the pathname matches: (pathname: String) => Boolean

title (required) : String | TitleFunction

A title which will be rendered in case of match.

TitleFunction accepts current location params, matched descriptor and object containing all extra props passed to component: (params: PathParams, descriptor: ConfigDescriptor, extras: Object) => Boolean

PathParams is an object of following shape:

  hash: String,
  href: String,
  pathname: String,
  queryParams: Object

exact : Boolean | default: false

Defines matching rule for plain strings. With exact set to true title will be set only in case of full match.

path: "/accounts" will match /accounts/9379992 by default and it will match only /accounts in case of exact: true

skipPrefix : Boolean | default: false

Current title will not be prefixes if skipPrefix is set to true


MIT © Alex Khismatulin


Set document title based on current path and configuration schema


Language:JavaScript 100.0%