alexjennings / example-formula

Example layout of a SaltStack Formula

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Framework for VirtualBox/Vagrant/SaltStack


Startup your VM

cd <where you downloaded or cloned this repo>
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Default superuser credentials

username: vagrant
password: vagrant

What's a State?

  • A state is a piece of code that ensures that the minion is in a known form.
  • It will either: perform actions to achieve this (blue), confirm that the minion already has this form (green), or alert if it cannot be set (red).
  • States may be dependant or other states, or only run under certain conditions.
  • States can be logically separated into separate "sls" documents, which can be run individually
  • The group of states should always return green when run a second time, to confirm nothing has changed.


  • Install package
  • Create user
  • Run a command, unless another command executes successfully
  • Create a file from a template

What's a Module?

  • A command-line method of executing commands on minions usings the salt framework
  • Modules are used by salt when enforcing salt states
  • Alternative to SSH'ing into minions


  • Restart a service
  • Check if a file exists
  • Run a state manually

What's a Pillar?

  • A pillar is a variable that can change how a state is run.
  • There should be pillar defaults set in the state documents so that a state can be run without the need for a pillar document.
  • A pillar "sls" document can be created to override some or all of the defaults.
  • Pillars can be shared between multiple minions


  • Set a the version of an application to be installed
  • Set a password to be used in a template configuration file
  • Set the desired size of a volume

What's a Formula?

Formulas are self contained salt projects under version control designed to install and configure a specific role (eg, Zonza webserver, PSQL server with a blank database and user). They have a standard framework of supporting files:

example-formula        -- The project
|-- example/           -- The "example" state folder, named after the formula
|   |-- init.sls    -- The "example" state
|-- Vagrantfile     -- The description of the virtual machine
|-- minion          -- Salt minion configuration defaults
|-- top.sls         -- List of states to apply to the virtual machine
|-- pillar.example  -- All pillar options with the default values
|--       -- This file

The intention is that any user can checkout the formula and start a virtual machine to begin testing an application.

The states within the formula should be able to be used as submodules on a Salt master to be combined with other formulas.

States should have pillars for variable values (eg application version), however there should be a sane set of defaults so that the application is functional.

Example Salt States

By default, your VM will include the states in example-formula/example/init.sls

In addition, there are runnable examples in various other files within the example folder which have to be called individually.

For example, to try the states in example-formula/example/pkg.sls within your VM, run:

sudo salt-call state.sls example.pkg

Creating Salt States

Edit the file example-formula/example/mytest.sls with the changes you would like to test.

Set your editor to use YAML highlighting for .sls files.

Testing Your Salt States

You do not need to reprovision your VM in order to test your state file. You can easily target a particular file that contains your changes.

Assuming changes in example-formula/example/mytest.sls, just run:

sudo salt-call state.sls example.mytest

Try to running fewer states at once to help debug issues. Once you are happy with them, then combine with the other tested states to ensure your formula runs from a fresh install with the correct dependancies.

Running Multiple Salt States (Highstate)

Add all of the sls files that you want to include in the example-formula/top.sls. By default the contents of example-formula/example/mytest.sls are included.

Either run vagrant provision from the host OS, or sudo salt-call state.highstate from within the guest OS (virtual machine). This will run all of the states in the top.sls







Example layout of a SaltStack Formula


Language:Scheme 100.0%