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Object Detection Android App using Google's Teachable Machine 2.0 and Tensorflow Lite

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Object Classification using Machine Learning

Object Detection Android App Tutorial using Teachable Machine and Tensorflow Lite

Last updated: November 19, 2021 by Alexis Wu


This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to create an Android app using Google's Teachable Machine and Android Studio. By following the tutorial, you will be able to use your Android app to detect objects through supervised machine learning.

This is an example application for TensorFlow Lite on Android. It uses image classification to continuously classify objects it sees from the device's back camera. Inference is performed using the TensorFlow Lite Java API. The demo app classifies frames in real-time, displaying the top most probable classifications.

For details of the model used, visit Image classification.

Tutorial Overview

  1. Data collection
  2. Train the model using collected image data
  3. Export machine learning model
  4. Incorporate model into an Android app


  • Android Studio 4.0 (installed on a Mac, Linux, or Windows machine)
  • Android device in developer mode with USB debugging enabled
  • USB cable (to connect Android device to your computer)

App Example Page

Create and train model

Step 1: Data collection

To train the machine learning model, we'll be using Google's Teachable Machine 2.0. Aside from Image Project, Teachable Machine also includes options Audio Project and Pose Project, which will not be covered in this tutorial.

Begin by deciding which objects you plan to train your model on. Then, you can collect your data in two ways:

  1. Take photos of each object using your phone camera, separate them into different files, and upload the appropriate file for each class.
  2. Use the webcam option under "Add Image Samples" for each class on the Teachable Machine website.


  • Be sure to only include one object for each class (i.e. make sure there are no banana images in the apple class and vice versa).
  • It is recommended that you take at least 50 image samples for each class and have at least 3 classes.
  • Your image samples should also ideally be from different angles.
  • Click the pencil icon next to each Class # and rename the class.

Step 2: Train the model using collected image data

Once you have collected all the data and created your classes, you will train your model. Click the "Train Model" button. You do not need to change any of the values under Advanced (you can keep the number of epochs, batch size, and learning rate as the default values).

In the preview window, turn the input on and test out your model. Under the output, your model should be able to distinguish between the objects. If you would like to add more image samples, you will need to go through the process again to re-train your model.

Build and run app

Step 3: Export machine learning model

Now that you've trained your model, you'll need to export it. As the model will be used in an Android app, click on the Tensorflow Lite tab and download both the floating point and quantized models. When you download your floating point model, the folder should include two files: labels.txt and model_unquant.tflite. Similarly, in your quantized model folder, you should have labels.txt and model.tflite.

Now, get the project from Github. Click the green code button and download ZIP. You will need to click through a number of folders (examples-master/lite/examples/image_classification/android/app/src/main/assets). In assets, copy the labels.txt, model.tflite, and model_unquant.tflite files (you only need to keep one labels.txt file) into assets.

Step 4: Incorporate model into an Android app

Now, copy the file path for the android folder. Open Android Studio and click "Open an existing Android Studio project." A window should pop up that says "Open File or Project." At the top of the window, copy paste the file path and click OK.

Your screen should look like the one below. Double click on CameraActivity (found under app/java/org.tensorflow.lite.examples.classification), find (using Ctrl+f on Windows) the line of code that says

private Model model = Model.QUANTIZED_EFFICIENTNET;

and change QUANTIZED to FLOAT so that the line of code now reads

private Model model = Model.FLOAT_EFFICIENTNET;

Now, inside the tflite package under org.tensorflow.lite.examples.classification folder, double click on the class and find the function getModelPath(). Inside this function, there should be a line that says

return "efficientnet-lite0-fp32.tflite";

Change the file so that the code now reads

return "model_unquant.tflite";

In the same class, find getLabelPath() and change the code to return "labels.txt" instead of "labels_without_background.txt".

Now, open the class. Again, change the return statement in the function getModelPath() to return "model.unquant.tflite" instead of the existing line of code.

Next, open the class and find the function getModelPath(). This time, we will change return "efficientnet-lite0-int8.tflite"; to return "model.tflite"; and change the return value in getLabelPath() to return "labels.txt";.

Do the same for

Step 6: Build the Android Studio project

Select Build -> Make Project and check that the project builds successfully. You will need Android SDK configured in the settings. You'll need at least SDK version 23. The build.gradle file will prompt you to download any missing libraries.

The file download.gradle directs gradle to download the two models used in the example, placing them into assets.


`build.gradle` is configured to use TensorFlow Lite's nightly build.

If you see a build error related to compatibility with Tensorflow Lite's Java API (for example, `method X is undefined for type Interpreter`), there has likely been a backwards compatible change to the API. You will need to run `git pull` in the examples repo to obtain a version that is compatible with the nightly build.

App Example Page

App Example Page

Step 7: Turn on Android phone developer mode

In our example, we have used a Motorola Moto E4 phone. Go to Settings and scroll to About phone. Scroll down to Build number and click it seven times. After a few taps, the steps should count down until you unlock the developer options. Then, back in Settings, scroll to Developer options and turn Developer mode on. Once developer options are activated, you will see a message that reads, You are now a developer!

Step 8: Install and run the app

Connect the Android device to the computer and be sure to approve any ADB permission prompts that appear on your phone. Select Run -> Run app. Select the deployment target in the connected devices to the device on which the app will be installed. This will install the app on the device. The app should automatically open and it should be able to recognize the objects you trained the model on. If the labels are not showing up, make sure the labels.txt file is still in your assets folder.

App Example Page

Assets folder

Do not delete the assets folder content. If you explicitly deleted the files, choose Build -> Rebuild to re-download the deleted model files into the assets folder.


Google's Teachable Machine 2.0

TensorFlow Reference Code

Dinesh Raturi's Fruits Prediction Android App Youtube Tutorial

How-To Geek: How to Access Developer Options and Enable USB Debugging on Android


For any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please contact me at


Object Detection Android App using Google's Teachable Machine 2.0 and Tensorflow Lite


Language:Java 100.0%