alexhorner / alexhorner

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Hello, I build things and they do stuff... sometimes. Awesome!

Linux all the things!

Contact Me:

Here are the technologies and tools I use almost on the daily

.NET NuGet GIT HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript JSON Firefox DuckDuckGo GitHub JetBrains Linux Bash Ubuntu Debian NGINX PostgreSQL Cloudflare Let's Encrypt Android BitWarden Stack Overflow

And some I use often

VSCode PHP Bootstrap Markdown CURL Docker MySQL MariaDB SQLite Apache Raspberry Pi Wayback Machine Brave NextCloud OwnCloud


WordPress NodeJS Node Package Manager VirtualBox VLC Vue.js Web Assembly Webpack Java Electron Font Awesome Grafana Cisco Balena Arduino QEMU Lua Mastodon Discord

And these things are pretty cool too!

Pepsi Spotify

Alex's GitHub stats
