alexforencich / verilog-ethernet

Verilog Ethernet components for FPGA implementation

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Modifying code to send custom data from PL to Host

8talha opened this issue · comments

Hi, Thank you for guide, I tested this code with ZCU111 and now I want to modify this code in "not loopback configuration" for that I follow this issue( #133 ) guide but there are few problems I am facing. I also mentioned my problem in that issue but got no response so creating a new issue here. Here is my problem
I am sending my custom data continously to udp_payload_fifo input and connected it's output to UDP Frame input of udp_complete_inst. The problem I am facing here is udp_complete_inst IP is not generating true for Ready for Input signal which is tx_udp_payload_axis_tready signal when I insert my data into this IP. but it generates Ready for Input for this signal when I send data from Host to FPGA.
Here is the screenshot of UDP frame Input data signal in idle case (means no transmission of data from host to FPGA)
Here is the screenshot of UDP frame Input data signal when I send data from Host to fpga
As you can see tx_udp_payload_axis_tready is switching On when data from Host to fpga comes. Although it shouldn't behave like this as currently I am sending my custom data from FPGA to Host continously.
I am also sharing my lines of code where I did modification to send custom data

// Loop back UDP
//wire match_cond = rx_udp_dest_port == 1234;
//wire no_match = ~match_cond;

//reg match_cond_reg = 0;
//reg no_match_reg = 0;

//always @(posedge clk) begin
//    if (rst) begin
//        match_cond_reg <= 0;
//        no_match_reg <= 0;
//    end else begin
//        if (rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid) begin
//            if ((~match_cond_reg & ~no_match_reg) |
//                (rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid & rx_udp_payload_axis_tready & rx_udp_payload_axis_tlast)) begin
//                match_cond_reg <= match_cond;
//                no_match_reg <= no_match;
//            end
//        end else begin
//            match_cond_reg <= 0;
//            no_match_reg <= 0;
//        end
//    end

//assign tx_udp_hdr_valid = rx_udp_hdr_valid & match_cond;
//assign rx_udp_hdr_ready = (tx_eth_hdr_ready & match_cond) | no_match;
assign tx_udp_hdr_valid = rx_udp_hdr_valid;
assign rx_udp_hdr_ready = tx_eth_hdr_ready;
assign tx_udp_ip_dscp = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ecn = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ttl = 64;
assign tx_udp_ip_source_ip = local_ip;
assign tx_udp_ip_dest_ip = rx_udp_ip_source_ip;
assign tx_udp_source_port = rx_udp_dest_port;
assign tx_udp_dest_port = rx_udp_source_port;
//assign tx_udp_length = rx_udp_length;
assign tx_udp_length = 16'd50000;

assign tx_udp_checksum = 0;

assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tdata = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata;// UDP payload FIFO out data
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid;
//assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready = tx_udp_payload_axis_tready;
assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready = 1'b1;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tlast = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tuser = tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser;

//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata = rx_udp_payload_axis_tdata;//UDP Frame out
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = rx_udp_payload_axis_tkeep;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = rx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid & match_cond_reg;
//assign rx_udp_payload_axis_tready = (rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready & match_cond_reg) | no_match_reg;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast = rx_udp_payload_axis_tlast;
//assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser = rx_udp_payload_axis_tuser;

//Custom data input coming from rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1 to udp payload FIFO input
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1;//custom data input from rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tdata1
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tkeep1;
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tvalid1;
assign rx_udp_payload_axis_tready = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready;//Tell UDP frame Input FIFO that I am ready
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tlast1;
assign rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser = rx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tuser1;

You cannot simply dump a bunch of payload data into the stack, you have to generate both headers and payloads and send them into the stack together. So effectively what you've done is create a design where the headers are looped back, but the payloads will come from somewhere else. Which is most likely not what you want.

Hi, Thank you for pointing out mistake, so I also generated udp header but still I am unable to transmit data from PL to Host, and my loopback configuration is removed now because no data is coming to host even when I send data from host to FPGA.
Here is the the default UDP frame input protocol signal pattern (loopback configuration code)
Here is my custom UDP frame Input protocol pattern

In my pattern you can see tx_udp_payload_axis_tready is not true, can you tell me what I am doing wrong in this?

Hi and sorry for not replying earlier. I second Alex' diagnosis of the previous issue with header/payload not being aligned. From what I see in your postings, you have not connected assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready. Hence, the IP does not communicate to your FIFO that it is ready to accept data.

As mentioned in #133 (comment), you will need to cut the loopback, and connect the AXI-Stream interfaces that handle incoming and outbound data from corresponding FIFOs.

Thank you for the reply @unbtorsten. I have connected tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready to my custom data generation IP which is currently giving constant HIGH to this signal, as you can see in my below mentioned ILA response of udp_payload_fifo in and out.
UDP Payload FIFO Input response
UDP Payload FIFO Output response
I think I am missing something for udp_complete_64 as tx_udp_payload_axis_tready is not getting ready as you can see in my above mentioned comment which means this IP is not ready to accept my data. The custom signals which I am feeding to this IP are tx_udp_hdr_valid and AXI protocol related signals tx_udp_payload_axis_*.

Thank you for the reply @unbtorsten. I have connected tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready to my custom data generation IP which is currently giving constant HIGH to this signal, [...]

If I understand you correctly, you are using the _tready signal to indicate data being ready for sending. However, this status is communicated through _tvalid. _tready indicates a device's willingness to accept data. In other words, the udp module indicates, that it is ready to accept and process data.

In addition, you may want to try and add a FIFO as a buffer between the ethernet IP and your module, relevant signals will be _tdata (the payload), _tvalid (transmitting device offers data), _tready (receiving device ready to accept data), and _tlast (last set of data in current stream).

I'm doing the same thing.just modify s_udp_ port will be worked.

localparam SYS_CLOCK = 125000000;
always @ ( posedge clk ) begin
if(rst) begin
test_data <= 'd0;
else if( test_data ==SYS_CLOCK-'d1 )begin
test_data <= 'd0;
else begin
test_data <= test_data + 'd1;

assign tx_udp_hdr_valid = test_data=='d1;
assign tx_udp_ip_dscp = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ecn = 0;
assign tx_udp_ip_ttl = 64;
assign tx_udp_ip_source_ip = local_ip;//c0a80180
assign tx_udp_ip_dest_ip = dest_ip;//c0a80103
assign tx_udp_source_port = 16'd1234;//rx_udp_dest_port;
assign tx_udp_dest_port = 16'd1234;//rx_udp_source_port;
assign tx_udp_length = 100+8;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tdata = test_data;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tvalid = test_data>='d100&&test_data<'d200;
assign tx_fifo_udp_payload_axis_tready = tx_udp_payload_axis_tready;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tlast = test_data=='d200-'d1;
assign tx_udp_payload_axis_tuser = 1'b0;

@8talha did you solve problem? When i try to send UDP data from FPGA to HOST , i have this issue."tx_tready" signal gives to zero that indicates "fpga" IP is not ready to accept data. What should i do?