alexcanessa / global-config-file

Handles all extensions for configuration files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Global Config File (global-config-file)

Handles all extensions for configuration files.


$ yarn add global-config-file

# npm users
$ npm install global-config-file


This package exports one function that accepts a filename and an options object.

The file provided must be the one with no extension.

import globalConfigFile from "global-config-file";

const config = globalConfigFile("example");

Error handling

If the option quiet is set to false, the package might throw an error if:

  1. You pass an extension option that disables all the extensions.
  2. No configuration file was found.

In that case you can simply handle it with a try..catch.

import globalConfigFile from "global-config-file";

let config;

try {
  config = globalConfigFile("example");
} catch (error) {

Otherwise, if quite is on true, it will just return undefined.

Supported extensions

The function will look for all the possible files, in the order given in the options.

So, for the example name, it will look for:

  • .examplerc (JSON and YML format are supported)
  • .examplerc.js
  • example.config.js (note that the dot and rc got removed)
  • .examplerc.json
  • .examplerc.yml
  • .examplerc.yaml
  • package.json (for a example property)


Option Type Description Default value
extensions Object All the file extensions that are enabled. {empty: true, js: true, "config.js": true, json: true, yml: true, yaml: true, package: true }
errors Object The error messages thrown by the program. {noConfigFound: "No configuration file found", noExtensions: "No extensions were found or enabled" }
root string Where to look for the configuration files. process.cwd()
quiet boolean If set to true, the program will return undefined instead of throwing Errors. false




Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.

On this project we follow the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.

Commit messages

This project follows the Angular commit messages, but it's very open to emojis 🤯.


MIT @ Alessandro Canessa



Handles all extensions for configuration files

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 81.2%Language:JavaScript 18.8%