alexbohomol / Asp.Net.Mvc.Recap

Notes on internals of Asp.Net Mvc framework

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Asp.Net Mvc Recap

My notes on internals of Asp.Net Mvc framework

Mvc LifeCycle in terms of abstractions

All construction components of Asp.Net Mvc framework are coupled via abstractions, predominantly interfaces.

Step Abstraction Built-In Implementation
1 IRouteHandler.GetHttpHandler MvcRouteHandler
2 IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest MvcHandler
3 IControllerFactory.CreateController DefaultControllerFactory
4 IControllerActivator.Create DefaultControllerActivator
5 IController.Execute Controller : ControllerBase
6 IActionInvoker.InvokeAction AsyncControllerActionInvoker
7 IAuthenticationFilter[].OnAuthentication
8 IAuthorizationFilter[].OnAuthorization AuthorizeAttribute
9 IActionFilter[].OnActionExecuting ActionFilterAttribute
10 IActionFilter[].OnActionExecuted ActionFilterAttribute
11 IResultFilter[].OnActionExecuting ActionFilterAttribute
12 IResultFilter[].OnActionExecuted ActionFilterAttribute
... ... ...


Notes on internals of Asp.Net Mvc framework