alexazhou / GitAgent

A web server receive HTTP request to pull local repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A web server receive HTTP request to pull local repository



GitAgent run as a webserver. It receive command from http requests and do operation to local git repositorys.

So GitAgent let you can do git operation over http request.

With GitAgent, you can a git repository on other machine to:

  • get current status
  • pull latest code
  • checkout branch ...

GitAgent also support execute some commant after pull success, and use a password to protect http request.


python3 -m pip install gitagent


GitAgent based on python3, and those libs was required.

  • Tornado
  • GitPython
  • ws4py

if you use pip install GitAgent, the requirements will be install automatic.


Basic config format

The basic format of config.json is like this.

example_config = {

If need, you can put more than one repon into it.

full config format

if you need use password, or execute command after pull, you can add some args to config file like that.

example_config_full = {
                "cmd1":"the command 1",
                "cmd2":"the command 2",


step 1: Write default config file

python3 -m gitagent [-c config.json] write

The default config file will by written to config.json, then you can known the config format.

if the -c arg don't gived, gitagent will write the config.json to current directory

step 2: Edit the config.json

Just edit the config file as you need

step 3: Run gitagent

python3 -m gitagent [-c config.json] run

If you havn't see any error message, the gitagent is running.


list all repos

curl -v 'http://localhost:10000/repo'



repo status

curl -v 'http://localhost:10000/repo/demo1'


    "author": "AlexaZhou",
    "busy": false,
    "changed_files": {
        "A": [],
        "D": [],
        "M": [
        "R": []
    "dirty": true,
    "hash": "c8c082d898c2dc18adb8e79f8992c074fb2294ce",
    "message": "some message text",
    "untracked_files": [

busy means the repo is processing a pull request or other action

repo pull / switch branch / switch hash

curl -v -d 'git_branch=master&git_hash=abcdefg&command=cmd1&block=1' 'http://localhost:10000/repo/demo1/pull'


    "ret": "success"


  • git_branch: the branch you want to checkout.
  • git_hash: is a optional arg. if git_hash not given, gitagent will checkout lastest commit on the target branch
  • command: is a optional arg. if command was gived, it will be execute after pull.
  • block: can be 0/1, if block = 1, the request will block until the git work finish


A web server receive HTTP request to pull local repository

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%