alexanmtz / frontend-interview-project

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Frontend interview project

As part of our application process, we would like you to complete this take-home assignment. It should take no more than a few hours.

You have 2 options:

  1. Create a new component that you would like us to see and discuss doing the interview.
  2. Improve an existing component by modifying it

You can pick one of the options above.

Task notes

  • Consider current task more as a playground, feel free to add/adjust what you think will show off your skills and knowledge in a best way

  • The provided components are not examples of complete or ideal components, therefore:

    1. They could be improved on
    2. They could be commented on. It would be also greate if comments question the way we do things or provide an alternative approach
    3. They could be a building block or an inspiration for creating a new custom component, feature
  • There is a contribution guide that we expect to be mostly followed (or questioned)

Project setup

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Run git clone{USERNAME}/frontend-interview-project.git to clone a project.
  3. Open project directory with cd frontend-interview-project
  4. Run npm i command to install the dependencies.
  5. In order to run a storybook issue npm run storybook


Project structure

All of the components are placed in src/components/ directory. And all of the storybooks are in src/stories/.

Contibuting guide

See our CONTRIBUTING guide for details.

When you are done

When you are ready for us to look at it, give us access to your fork so we can review and run it. When we are done you, of course, own the code you made.

Implementation details

Icon component

Currently Icon component internally uses free font-awesome icons. Please see list of expected name values.



Language:TypeScript 79.4%Language:CSS 18.4%Language:JavaScript 2.1%