alexanmtz / AIPR-playground

A playground for AIPR(

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The updated './' file now includes initial documentation for AIPR Playground, a playground repository to test AIPR, and a GitHub Action to solve issues using ChatGPT.


A playground for AIPR(

AIPR Playground

Welcome to AIPR Playground, a playground repository for testing AIPR! This repository is meant to provide a space for developers to test and experiment with AIPR in a controlled environment.

About AIPR

AIPR (Artificial Intelligence Problem Resolution) is an open-source tool that helps developers automatically solve issues in their GitHub repositories using natural language processing and artificial intelligence. It can be integrated as a GitHub Action to quickly and efficiently solve issues reported by users.

GitHub Action for AIPR

To make the use of AIPR even easier, we have created a GitHub Action that developers can use to automatically solve issues using ChatGPT. This action can be configured to run on a schedule or triggered by specific events, making it a seamless part of your issue resolution workflow.

We hope that this playground repository and the GitHub Action for AIPR will help you discover the full potential of AIPR and improve the efficiency of your issue resolution process. Happy coding!


A playground for AIPR(