alexandrewolff / totem-dapp

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Totem dApp

This project contains multiple react components that provide a user interface for the Totem smart contracts. It can be ran by itself but the components are meant to be imported in a full dapp frontend.

How to import the components

Install the following packages

  • @web3-react/core 6.1.9
  • @web3-react/injected-connector 6.0.7
  • @web3-react/network-connector 6.1.9
  • @web3-react/walletconnect-connector 6.2.4
  • ethers 5.4.7
  • js-cookie 3.0.1

Copy configuration file

Copy the config.json file at the root of your src file

Initialize the app for web3-react usage

As done in the App component, go to your root component and:

  • Import Web3ReactProvider, NetworkConnector & ethers
  • Import the config file
  • Copy paste the getLibrary function
  • Wrap your return into the Web3ReactProvider HOC, providing the getLibrary function as a prop
  • Provide the address of the crowdsale contract as a prop to the components that need it

Import the components and the utils folders in your project

You might have to edit the import paths



Language:JavaScript 93.7%Language:HTML 6.3%