alexandracaulea / inspirational-quote-generator

Provides random inspirational quotes using Forismatic API. You can share the quotes on Twitter. The project was built in React.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inspirational Quote Generator

Netlify Status

Since I'm currently learning React, I decided to start working on the "Build a Random Quote Machine" project part of the Front End Libraries Projects from freeCodeCamp.


  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Install project dependencies by running: yarn install.

Using this repo

  1. For the development run: yarn start.
  2. To build run yarn build.
  3. To run tests: yarn test.
  4. To build: yarn build.
  5. To eject yarn eject

Live Example

Live example on Netlify


Provides random inspirational quotes using Forismatic API. You can share the quotes on Twitter. The project was built in React.


Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:HTML 4.4%