alexander-harmaty / SortedList-and-Dictionary-Implementation

FSC-BCS-426: C# Programming Lab 9

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SortedList and Dictionary


Output Menu


Assignment Context

This project was one of the later assignments for my C# Programming class.

The goal of this assignment was to further explore C# by using lists, sorted lists, and ToLookup.

This was a solo assignment made with C#, and Visual Studio 2022.


This program demonstrates the use of three different collection classes in .NET Framework for storing and searching student data. The program creates a menu with four options:

  • (1) displaying a list of unsorted students using List
  • (2) displaying a list of sorted students using SortedList<TKey,TValue>
  • (3) displaying a list of sorted students using Dictionary<TKey,TValue>
  • (4) ending the program

The program uses a while loop to keep the menu running until the user chooses to end the program. The user enters a number to select an option, and the program uses a switch statement to execute the appropriate code for the selected option.

How It Works

Option 1: Display a list of unsorted students using List

The program initializes a List<Student> object called studentsList, which is used to store instances of a custom Student class defined within the program. The program creates several instances of the Student class with different data and adds them to the list using the Add method. It then displays the entire list of students using a foreach loop. The program also uses the ToLookup method to create two lookup tables based on student status and state, which are stored in lookupStatus and lookupState variables, respectively. These lookup tables allow for efficient searching of the student list based on the status or state of each student. The program then prints the results of two searches, one for freshman students and another for students from NY, using foreach loops and the appropriate lookup table.



Option 2: Student data with SortedList<TKey,TValue>

This option initializes a SortedList<int, Student> object called studentsSortedList, which is used to store instances of the custom Student class defined within the program. The program creates several instances of the Student class with different data and adds them to the sorted list using their ID as the key. It then displays the entire list of students sorted by ID using a foreach loop and the Values property of the sorted list. The program prompts the user to enter an ID to search for using the Console.ReadLine method, and stores the result in the searchSortedID variable. It then attempts to retrieve the student with the corresponding ID using the [] indexing operator and the KeyNotFoundException exception handling construct. If the ID is found, the program prints the corresponding student data using the ToString method of the Student class; otherwise, it prints an error message.



Option 3: Student data with Dictionary<TKey,TValue>

This option initializes a Dictionary<int, Student> object called studentsDictionary, which is used to store instances of the custom Student class defined within the program. The program creates several instances of the Student class with different data and adds them to the dictionary using their ID as the key. It then displays the entire dictionary of students using a foreach loop and the Values property of the dictionary. The program uses a LINQ query to sort the dictionary by ID and prints the sorted results using a foreach loop and the KeyValuePair class. The program prompts the user to enter an ID to search for using the Console.ReadLine method, and stores the result in the searchDictionaryID variable. It then attempts to retrieve the student with the corresponding ID using the [] indexing operator and the KeyNotFoundException exception handling construct. If the ID is found, the program prints the corresponding student data using the ToString method of the Student class; otherwise, it prints an error message.



Option 4: End the program

This option sets the programRunning variable to false, causing the while loop to exit and the program to end.


FSC-BCS-426: C# Programming Lab 9


Language:C# 100.0%